Run cp2k test error for ADMM (QS/regtest-hfx-wfn-fitting/CH4-HSE06.inp)

zuohen... at zuohen... at
Fri Jul 14 03:03:33 UTC 2017

Thank you very much!

在 2017年7月13日星期四 UTC+8下午8:07:53,zhj... at gmail.com写道:
> Hi, you can update the newest cp2k development version(e.g. r1798 
> version), and this error can be removed.
> 在 2017年7月13日星期四 UTC+8上午9:41:32,zuoh... at gmail.com写道:
>> Hi, my friend.
>> I meet the same problem now. The calculation of ADMM was interrupted but 
>> no error information in .out file. The '*SIGSEGV, segmentation fault 
>> occurred' *was shown in the screen.
>> I want to know if you solve this problem and hope get your kind help.
>> best regars,
>> Zuoheng
>> 在 2017年5月20日星期六 UTC+8上午12:03:41,zhj... at gmail.com写道:
>>> Hi, Alfio Lazzaro, 
>>> Thank you for your response. The angular momentum parameters in libint.h 
>>> and libderiv.h are:
>>> *#define LIBINT_MAX_AM 6*
>>> *#define LIBINT_OPT_AM 5*
>>> *#define LIBDERIV_MAX_AM1 5#define LIBDERIV_MAX_AM12 4*
>>> The configure parameters of libint are:
>>> *./configure --prefix=/opt/libint-1.4.4 --with-ar=ar FC=ifort F77=ifort **F90=ifort 
>>> FCFLAGS="-O3 -xHost" CC=icc CFLAGS="-O3 -xHost"  \*
>>> *CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -xHost" --with-cc-optflags="-O2 -xHost" **--with-cxx-optflags="-O2 
>>> -xHost" --with-libint-max-am=5 --with-libint-opt-am=4 \*
>>> *--with-libderiv-max-am1=4*
>>> I met some strange things:
>>> 1. when the "*-xHost*" optflag is removed, then the test 
>>> "QS/regtest-hfx-wfn-fitting/CH4-HSE06.inp" will run successfully(but has a 
>>> warning of "SCF run NOT converged");
>>> 2. When I use the cp2k version in 1 to calculate my example, then the 
>>> error is occurred: *application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -10) - 
>>> process 0*
>>> I will attach some files to you. Thank you for your help!!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Zhjs
>>> 在 2017年5月19日星期五 UTC+8下午4:01:08,Alfio Lazzaro写道:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> could you compile the code with the debug symbols (i.e. pdbg versin, or 
>>>> alternative with -g)?
>>>> My suspicious is that there is a mismatch in the angular momentum used 
>>>> in libderiv and CP2K.
>>>> From your output CP2K uses libderiv_max_am1=5 libint_max_am=6, could 
>>>> you check what are the values used to compile the library?
>>>> You can check your include/libint/libint.h in libint to see if it 
>>>> matches.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Alfio
>>>> Il giorno giovedì 18 maggio 2017 17:39:21 UTC+2, zhj... at ha 
>>>> scritto:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I am trying to run the test 
>>>>> of QS/regtest-hfx-wfn-fitting/CH4-HSE06.inp, but an Error message appeared 
>>>>> immediately after starting this calculation:
>>>>> *forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred*
>>>>> *Image              PC                Routine            Line       
>>>>>  Source*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000076355A1  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000007633CF7  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000075EF624  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000075EF436  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          000000000759E2FF  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000075A561D  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *    00007F7F9B26E100  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          000000000132A4BE  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          000000000084877E  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000000843CA5  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000000A33524  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000000A31563  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000009A9289  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000016F6EB8  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000016F5619  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000000E16383  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          000000000041326D  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          00000000004085B2  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000000407B1E  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *          00007F7F99A94B15  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> *cp2k.popt          0000000000407A29  Unknown               Unknown 
>>>>>  Unknown*
>>>>> If the section of *ADMM* and* AUX_FIT_BASIS_SET* is removed, then the 
>>>>> test will run without error occurred.
>>>>> Can anyone tell me how to solve this proplem ? Thanks !
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