CP2K 4.1 compile error with libint (with intel 2016 update 3, libint 1.1.4, elpa 2016.05.004, and libxc 3.0.0)

jian... at gmail.com jian... at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 03:12:36 UTC 2017

Dear all,
When I compile CP2K with intel 2016 update 3, libint 1.1.4, elpa 
2016.05.004, and libxc 3.0.0
There is a error.
In function `evaluate_deriv_eri':
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1253: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1277: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
In function `evaluate_eri':
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1948: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
In function `evaluate_deriv_eri':
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1253: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1277: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
In function `evaluate_eri':
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1948: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
make[3]: *** 
Error 1
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
In function `evaluate_deriv_eri':
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1253: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1277: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
In function `evaluate_eri':
/public/software/cp2k/cp2k-4.1/src/hfx_libint_interface.F:1948: undefined 
reference to `hfx_contraction_methods_mp_contract_'
make[3]: *** 
Error 1
make[3]: *** 
Error 1
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [popt] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

the arch file is 
# MPI parallel build 
# Compiler: Intel Fortran version 2016update3
# MPI: Intel MPI 2016update3
# Math library: Intel MKL version 2016update3 (including FFTW interface)
# ScaLAPACK: From Intel MKL 2016update3
# libint: 1.1.4
# libxc: 3.0
# elpa: 2016.05.004
CC       = icc
CPP      =
FC       = mpiifort
LD       = mpiifort
AR       = ar -r

LIBXC_DIR = /public/software/cp2k/libxc/300
LIBINT_DIR = /public/software/cp2k/libint/114
ELPA_LIB = /public/software/cp2k/elpa/201605004/lib

DFLAGS   = -D__MKL -D__parallel -D__SCALAPACK -D__FFTW3 -D__LIBXC -D__ELPA3 
FCFLAGS  = $(DFLAGS) -O2 -g -traceback -fpp -free \
           -I$(MKLROOT)/include -I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw -I${ELPA_INC} 
FCFLAGS2  = $(DFLAGS) -O0 -g -traceback -fpp -free \
           -I$(MKLROOT)/include -I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw -I${ELPA_INC} 
LDFLAGS  = $(FCFLAGS) -static-intel
LDFLAGS_C = $(FCFLAGS) -static-intel -nofor_main
LIBS     = $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
         -Wl,--start-group  $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \
         $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a \
         $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a \
-Wl,--end-group \
         -lpthread -lm \
         -L$(LIBXC_DIR)/lib -lxcf90 -lxc \
         -L$(ELPA_LIB) -lelpa \
         $(LIBINT_DIR)/lib/libderiv.a $(LIBINT_DIR)/lib/libint.a -lstdc++

# Required due to memory leak that occurs if high optimisations are used
mp2_optimize_ri_basis.o: mp2_optimize_ri_basis.F
        $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<

Could you give me some advice?
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