[CP2K:8123] Re: Cholesky failed: the matrix is not positive definite or ill-conditioned.

S Ling lingsa... at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 16:28:16 UTC 2016


The hexagonal symmetry in CP2K requires the gamma angle to be 60. In your
case, you had 120, and if you specify "SYMMETRY HEXAGONAL", the code will
overwrite your definition, and you ended up with a wrong geometry.


On 6 September 2016 at 17:19, David T <amazing... at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt
> thanks for answering.
> I was also worried about that so I tried optimising with any problems
> using plane-wave code (vasp and espresso) and it does work excluding
> geometrical issue.
> However, your message "illuminate me" so that I removed the hexagonal
> symmetry, it does work now.
> On Monday, 5 September 2016 20:56:10 UTC+2, Matt W wrote:
>> Hi,
>> given the basis sets you are using (MOLOPT), I would strongly suspect
>> instead that the reason for the error is a bad geometry. Possibly in the
>> cell definition?
>> Matt
>> On Monday, September 5, 2016 at 3:27:03 PM UTC+1, David T wrote:
>>> Dear all
>>> I am trying to optimize a structure using cp2k v 3.0 svn:16458,
>>> I had problems with the subject error so that I added Cholesky off and
>>> remove OT from the output.
>>> However, despite this cp2k still crashed after 1 cycle complaining that
>>> the matrix is not positive or ill-conditioned.
>>> I've just started using CP2K so I am not really comfortable in playing
>>> with parameters. For example
>>> I read in a previous post that one solution could be changing the basis
>>> set but I would rather avoid that if possible.
>>> Probably more important I would like to understand why this happens
>>> despite activating the Cholesky off option
>>> Any suggestion? Is there any other way for fixing this problem?
>>> Please find in attachment the input, output and structure I am trying to
>>> optimise and please apologise if I am doing something silly.
>>> Cheers
>>> Davide
>> --
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