Trouble in H2O-32.inp of tests

Andre 2052015... at
Fri May 20 08:28:38 UTC 2016

Dear all
           I am a new cp2k user and I am trying to run the file of 
H2O-32.inp derived from tests of cp2k 3.0. 
The problem is that the results from  H2O-32.log are not incomplete and 
there are only a part of datas to be presented . 
 The H2O-32.log is below :


  ----------------------------------- OT 
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_KINETIC        : inversion of T + eS
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :   
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :         
  ----------------------------------- OT 

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy   
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01909729      -529.3015728815 
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01238424      -536.3043281413 
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00874280      -540.9240856869 

  ----------------------------------- OT 
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_KINETIC        : inversion of T + eS
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :   
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :         
  ----------------------------------- OT 

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy   
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01909729      -529.3015728815 
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01238424      -536.3043281413 
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00874280      -540.9240856869 
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00605219      -544.3264898596 
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00458609      -546.1883072280 
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00351827      -547.5582206572 
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00273439      -548.5013690323 
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00208753      -549.1681124465 
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00176820      -549.4777508042 
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00140542      -549.7607744913 
    11 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00119366      -549.9316698865 
    12 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00102681      -550.0679169205 
    13 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00086881      -550.1763297478 
    14 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00075321      -550.2617782124 
    15 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00065234      -550.3266587632 
    16 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00053114      -550.3951316716 
    17 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00043158      -550.4411429882 
    18 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00038215      -550.4544741504 
    19 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00029242      -550.4788046848 
    20 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00023257      -550.4912263483 
    21 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00017773      -550.4995287216 
    22 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00014489      -550.5038245647 
    23 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00011821      -550.5069932324 
    24 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00010056      -550.5088236091 
    25 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00009136      -550.5098396803 
    26 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.3     0.00007924      -550.5109597551 
    27 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.4     0.00006762      -550.5121912497 
    28 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.3     0.00006041      -550.5129952441 
    29 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.8     0.00005408      -550.5137057372 
    30 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.5     0.00004949      -550.5142473045 
    31 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.5     0.00004573      -550.5147048985 
    32 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.9     0.00004071      -550.5153134770 
    33 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.4     0.00003751      -550.5157489841 
    34 OT DIIS     0.15E+00   10.5     0.00003507      -550.5160928600 
    35 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.7     0.00003259      -550.5164222164 
    36 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00002992      -550.5167468233 
    37 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.5     0.00002808      -550.5170141541 
    38 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.9     0.00002666      -550.5172021557 
    39 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.2     0.00002497      -550.5174259635 
    40 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.2     0.00002349      -550.5176150929 
    41 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.5     0.00002169      -550.5178108530 
    42 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.9     0.00002063      -550.5179284622 
    43 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.2     0.00001949      -550.5180421551 
    44 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.9     0.00001797      -550.5181724980 
    45 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.4     0.00001694      -550.5182596580 
-8.72E-05    (this is all)
Can anyone give me an advice as to what the problem might be ? 
Thank you. I really appreciate it.
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 DBCSR| Multiplication driver                                               BLAS
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED
 DBCSR| Randmat seed                                                    12341313
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              T
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             87

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2016-05-19 10:23:06.305
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                    compute-4-19.local
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                                  dcui
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                  8134
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN                       /home/dcui/cp2k

 CP2K| version string:                                          CP2K version 3.0
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                    svn:16458
 CP2K| cp2kflags: libint fftw3 parallel mpi2 scalapack                          
 CP2K| is freely available from                  
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Fri Mar 18 14:44:47 CST 2016
 CP2K| Program compiled on                             
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                   Linux-x86-64-intel
 CP2K| Data directory path             /export/home/anan/soft/CP2K/cp2k-3.0/data
 CP2K| Input file name                                                H2O-32.inp
 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                     /share/apps/CP2K/data/POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                                     H2O-32
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT library                                             FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Preferred diagonalization lib.                                       SL
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                             MD
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             8
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| CPU model name :  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5355  @ 2.66GHz

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal              8189700       8189700       8189700       8189700
 MEMORY| MemFree               7424472       7424472       7424472       7424472
 MEMORY| Buffers                156456        156456        156456        156456
 MEMORY| Cached                 173760        173760        173760        173760
 MEMORY| Slab                    89000         89000         89000         89000
 MEMORY| SReclaimable            59328         59328         59328         59328
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree         7814016       7814016       7814016       7814016

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K Developers Group (2000 - 2015)           **
 **                                                                           **

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                              50
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                              4
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-05
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        No outer SCF
 MD| Molecular Dynamics Protocol 
 MD| Ensemble Type                                                           NVE
 MD| Number of Time Steps                                                     10
 MD| Time Step [fs]                                                         0.50
 MD| Temperature [K]                                                      300.00
 MD| Temperature tolerance [K]                                              0.00
 MD| Print MD information every                                        1 step(s)
 MD| File type     Print frequency[steps]                             File names
 MD| Coordinates            1                         
 MD| Velocities             1                         
 MD| Energies               1                                      H2O-32-1.ener
 MD| Dump                  20                                   H2O-32-1.restart
 ROT| Rotational Analysis Info 
 ROT| Principal axes and moments of inertia in atomic units:
 ROT|                                1                 2                 3
 ROT| EIGENVALUES            0.604570193E+08   0.643469341E+08   0.682377067E+08
 ROT|      X                    -0.588050609       0.712427121       0.382941350
 ROT|      Y                    -0.316321633      -0.638315596       0.701779042
 ROT|      Z                     0.744403859       0.291548960       0.600717986
 ROT| Numer of Rotovibrational vectors:     6

 Calculation of degrees of freedom
                                                      Number of atoms:        96
                                 Number of Intramolecular constraints:         0
                                 Number of Intermolecular constraints:         0
                                  Invariants(translation + rotations):         3
                                                   Degrees of freedom:       285

 Restraints Information
                                  Number of Intramolecular restraints:         0
                                  Number of Intermolecular restraints:         0
 ************************** Velocities initialization **************************
 Initial Temperature                                                    300.00 K
 COM velocity:           -0.000000000000     -0.000000000000     -0.000000000000

 Number of electrons:                                                        256
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                128
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               128

 Number of orbital functions:                                               1280
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                   1280

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess


  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_KINETIC        : inversion of T + eS
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.20000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.01909729      -529.3015728815 -5.29E+02
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.01238424      -536.3043281413 -7.00E+00
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00874280      -540.9240856869 -4.62E+00
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00605219      -544.3264898596 -3.40E+00
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00458609      -546.1883072280 -1.86E+00
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00351827      -547.5582206572 -1.37E+00
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00273439      -548.5013690323 -9.43E-01
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00208753      -549.1681124465 -6.67E-01
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00176820      -549.4777508042 -3.10E-01
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00140542      -549.7607744913 -2.83E-01
    11 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00119366      -549.9316698865 -1.71E-01
    12 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00102681      -550.0679169205 -1.36E-01
    13 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00086881      -550.1763297478 -1.08E-01
    14 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00075321      -550.2617782124 -8.54E-02
    15 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00065234      -550.3266587632 -6.49E-02
    16 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00053114      -550.3951316716 -6.85E-02
    17 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00043158      -550.4411429882 -4.60E-02
    18 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00038215      -550.4544741504 -1.33E-02
    19 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00029242      -550.4788046848 -2.43E-02
    20 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00023257      -550.4912263483 -1.24E-02
    21 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00017773      -550.4995287216 -8.30E-03
    22 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00014489      -550.5038245647 -4.30E-03
    23 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00011821      -550.5069932324 -3.17E-03
    24 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.3     0.00010056      -550.5088236091 -1.83E-03
    25 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00009136      -550.5098396803 -1.02E-03
    26 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00007924      -550.5109597551 -1.12E-03
    27 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00006762      -550.5121912497 -1.23E-03
    28 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00006041      -550.5129952441 -8.04E-04
    29 OT DIIS     0.15E+00   11.3     0.00005408      -550.5137057372 -7.10E-04
    30 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00004949      -550.5142473045 -5.42E-04
    31 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.0     0.00004573      -550.5147048985 -4.58E-04
    32 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.1     0.00004071      -550.5153134770 -6.09E-04
    33 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.1     0.00003751      -550.5157489841 -4.36E-04
    34 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.9     0.00003507      -550.5160928600 -3.44E-04
    35 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.2     0.00003259      -550.5164222164 -3.29E-04
    36 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.3     0.00002992      -550.5167468233 -3.25E-04
    37 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.5     0.00002808      -550.5170141541 -2.67E-04
    38 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00002666      -550.5172021557 -1.88E-04
    39 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00002497      -550.5174259635 -2.24E-04
    40 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.0     0.00002349      -550.5176150929 -1.89E-04
    41 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.1     0.00002169      -550.5178108530 -1.96E-04
    42 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.8     0.00002063      -550.5179284622 -1.18E-04
    43 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.9     0.00001949      -550.5180421551 -1.14E-04
    44 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00001797      -550.5181724980 -1.30E-04
 DBCSR| Multiplication driver                                               BLAS
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED
 DBCSR| Randmat seed                                                    12341313
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              T
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             87

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2016-05-19 10:31:51.527
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                    compute-4-19.local
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                                  dcui
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                  8377
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN                       /home/dcui/cp2k

 CP2K| version string:                                          CP2K version 3.0
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                    svn:16458
 CP2K| cp2kflags: libint fftw3 parallel mpi2 scalapack                          
 CP2K| is freely available from                  
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Fri Mar 18 14:44:47 CST 2016
 CP2K| Program compiled on                             
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                   Linux-x86-64-intel
 CP2K| Data directory path             /export/home/anan/soft/CP2K/cp2k-3.0/data
 CP2K| Input file name                                                H2O-32.inp
 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                     /share/apps/CP2K/data/POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                                     H2O-32
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT library                                             FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Preferred diagonalization lib.                                       SL
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                             MD
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             8
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| CPU model name :  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5355  @ 2.66GHz

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal              8189700       8189700       8189700       8189700
 MEMORY| MemFree               7695568       7695568       7695692       7695645
 MEMORY| Buffers                  1504          1504          1504          1504
 MEMORY| Cached                 110788        110768        110788        110775
 MEMORY| Slab                    40884         40780         40884         40819
 MEMORY| SReclaimable             9668          9664          9668          9665
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree         7817528       7817528       7817628       7817590

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K Developers Group (2000 - 2015)           **
 **                                                                           **

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                              50
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                              4
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-05
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        No outer SCF
 MD| Molecular Dynamics Protocol 
 MD| Ensemble Type                                                           NVE
 MD| Number of Time Steps                                                     10
 MD| Time Step [fs]                                                         0.50
 MD| Temperature [K]                                                      300.00
 MD| Temperature tolerance [K]                                              0.00
 MD| Print MD information every                                        1 step(s)
 MD| File type     Print frequency[steps]                             File names
 MD| Coordinates            1                         
 MD| Velocities             1                         
 MD| Energies               1                                      H2O-32-1.ener
 MD| Dump                  20                                   H2O-32-1.restart
 ROT| Rotational Analysis Info 
 ROT| Principal axes and moments of inertia in atomic units:
 ROT|                                1                 2                 3
 ROT| EIGENVALUES            0.604570193E+08   0.643469341E+08   0.682377067E+08
 ROT|      X                    -0.588050609       0.712427121       0.382941350
 ROT|      Y                    -0.316321633      -0.638315596       0.701779042
 ROT|      Z                     0.744403859       0.291548960       0.600717986
 ROT| Numer of Rotovibrational vectors:     6

 Calculation of degrees of freedom
                                                      Number of atoms:        96
                                 Number of Intramolecular constraints:         0
                                 Number of Intermolecular constraints:         0
                                  Invariants(translation + rotations):         3
                                                   Degrees of freedom:       285

 Restraints Information
                                  Number of Intramolecular restraints:         0
                                  Number of Intermolecular restraints:         0
 ************************** Velocities initialization **************************
 Initial Temperature                                                    300.00 K
 COM velocity:           -0.000000000000     -0.000000000000     -0.000000000000

 Number of electrons:                                                        256
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                128
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               128

 Number of orbital functions:                                               1280
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                   1280

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess


  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_KINETIC        : inversion of T + eS
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.20000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.7     0.01909729      -529.3015728815 -5.29E+02
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01238424      -536.3043281413 -7.00E+00
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00874280      -540.9240856869 -4.62E+00
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00605219      -544.3264898596 -3.40E+00
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00458609      -546.1883072280 -1.86E+00
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00351827      -547.5582206572 -1.37E+00
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00273439      -548.5013690323 -9.43E-01
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00208753      -549.1681124465 -6.67E-01
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00176820      -549.4777508042 -3.10E-01
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00140542      -549.7607744913 -2.83E-01
    11 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00119366      -549.9316698865 -1.71E-01
    12 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00102681      -550.0679169205 -1.36E-01
    13 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00086881      -550.1763297478 -1.08E-01
    14 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00075321      -550.2617782124 -8.54E-02
    15 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00065234      -550.3266587632 -6.49E-02
    16 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00053114      -550.3951316716 -6.85E-02
    17 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00043158      -550.4411429882 -4.60E-02
    18 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00038215      -550.4544741504 -1.33E-02
    19 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00029242      -550.4788046848 -2.43E-02
    20 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00023257      -550.4912263483 -1.24E-02
    21 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00017773      -550.4995287216 -8.30E-03
    22 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00014489      -550.5038245647 -4.30E-03
    23 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00011821      -550.5069932324 -3.17E-03
    24 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00010056      -550.5088236091 -1.83E-03
    25 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00009136      -550.5098396803 -1.02E-03
    26 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00007924      -550.5109597551 -1.12E-03
    27 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00006762      -550.5121912497 -1.23E-03
    28 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00006041      -550.5129952441 -8.04E-04
    29 OT DIIS     0.15E+00   10.6     0.00005408      -550.5137057372 -7.10E-04
    30 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.4     0.00004949      -550.5142473045 -5.42E-04
    31 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.2     0.00004573      -550.5147048985 -4.58E-04
    32 OT DIIS     0.15E+00   10.4     0.00004071      -550.5153134770 -6.09E-04
    33 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.1     0.00003751      -550.5157489841 -4.36E-04
    34 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.7     0.00003507      -550.5160928600 -3.44E-04
    35 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.2     0.00003259      -550.5164222164 -3.29E-04
    36 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.4     0.00002992      -550.5167468233 -3.25E-04
    37 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.2     0.00002808      -550.5170141541 -2.67E-04
    38 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.0     0.00002666      -550.5172021557 -1.88E-04
    39 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.4     0.00002497      -550.5174259635 -2.24E-04
    40 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.7     0.00002349      -550.5176150929 -1.89E-04
    41 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.9     0.00002169      -550.5178108530 -1.96E-04
    42 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.0     0.00002063      -550.5179284622 -1.18E-04
    43 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00001949      -550.5180421551 -1.14E-04
    44 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.0     0.00001797      -550.5181724980 -1.30E-04
    45 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.4     0.00001694      -550.5182596580 -8.72E-05
 DBCSR| Multiplication driver                                               BLAS
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED
 DBCSR| Randmat seed                                                    12341313
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              T
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             87

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2016-05-20 16:18:59.961
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                    compute-4-17.local
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                                  dcui
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 12390
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN                       /home/dcui/cp2k

 CP2K| version string:                                          CP2K version 3.0
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                    svn:16458
 CP2K| cp2kflags: libint fftw3 parallel mpi2 scalapack                          
 CP2K| is freely available from                  
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Fri Mar 18 14:44:47 CST 2016
 CP2K| Program compiled on                             
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                   Linux-x86-64-intel
 CP2K| Data directory path             /export/home/anan/soft/CP2K/cp2k-3.0/data
 CP2K| Input file name                                                H2O-32.inp
 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                     /share/apps/CP2K/data/POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                                     H2O-32
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT library                                             FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Preferred diagonalization lib.                                       SL
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                             MD
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             8
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| CPU model name :  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5355  @ 2.66GHz

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal              8189700       8189700       8189700       8189700
 MEMORY| MemFree               7496012       7496012       7496012       7496012
 MEMORY| Buffers                  1944          1944          1944          1944
 MEMORY| Cached                 309216        309216        309216        309216
 MEMORY| Slab                    43604         43604         43604         43604
 MEMORY| SReclaimable            11376         11376         11376         11376
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree         7818548       7818548       7818548       7818548

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K Developers Group (2000 - 2015)           **
 **                                                                           **

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                              50
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                              4
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-05
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        No outer SCF
 MD| Molecular Dynamics Protocol 
 MD| Ensemble Type                                                           NVE
 MD| Number of Time Steps                                                     10
 MD| Time Step [fs]                                                         0.50
 MD| Temperature [K]                                                      300.00
 MD| Temperature tolerance [K]                                              0.00
 MD| Print MD information every                                        1 step(s)
 MD| File type     Print frequency[steps]                             File names
 MD| Coordinates            1                         
 MD| Velocities             1                         
 MD| Energies               1                                      H2O-32-1.ener
 MD| Dump                  20                                   H2O-32-1.restart
 ROT| Rotational Analysis Info 
 ROT| Principal axes and moments of inertia in atomic units:
 ROT|                                1                 2                 3
 ROT| EIGENVALUES            0.604570193E+08   0.643469341E+08   0.682377067E+08
 ROT|      X                    -0.588050609       0.712427121       0.382941350
 ROT|      Y                    -0.316321633      -0.638315596       0.701779042
 ROT|      Z                     0.744403859       0.291548960       0.600717986
 ROT| Numer of Rotovibrational vectors:     6

 Calculation of degrees of freedom
                                                      Number of atoms:        96
                                 Number of Intramolecular constraints:         0
                                 Number of Intermolecular constraints:         0
                                  Invariants(translation + rotations):         3
                                                   Degrees of freedom:       285

 Restraints Information
                                  Number of Intramolecular restraints:         0
                                  Number of Intermolecular restraints:         0
 ************************** Velocities initialization **************************
 Initial Temperature                                                    300.00 K
 COM velocity:           -0.000000000000     -0.000000000000     -0.000000000000

 Number of electrons:                                                        256
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                128
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               128

 Number of orbital functions:                                               1280
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                   1280

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess


  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_KINETIC        : inversion of T + eS
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.20000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01909729      -529.3015728815 -5.29E+02
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.01238424      -536.3043281413 -7.00E+00
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00874280      -540.9240856869 -4.62E+00
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00605219      -544.3264898596 -3.40E+00
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00458609      -546.1883072280 -1.86E+00
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00351827      -547.5582206572 -1.37E+00
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00273439      -548.5013690323 -9.43E-01
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00208753      -549.1681124465 -6.67E-01
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00176820      -549.4777508042 -3.10E-01
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00140542      -549.7607744913 -2.83E-01
    11 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    1.9     0.00119366      -549.9316698865 -1.71E-01
    12 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00102681      -550.0679169205 -1.36E-01
    13 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00086881      -550.1763297478 -1.08E-01
    14 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00075321      -550.2617782124 -8.54E-02
    15 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00065234      -550.3266587632 -6.49E-02
    16 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00053114      -550.3951316716 -6.85E-02
    17 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00043158      -550.4411429882 -4.60E-02
    18 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00038215      -550.4544741504 -1.33E-02
    19 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00029242      -550.4788046848 -2.43E-02
    20 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00023257      -550.4912263483 -1.24E-02
    21 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00017773      -550.4995287216 -8.30E-03
    22 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.1     0.00014489      -550.5038245647 -4.30E-03
    23 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00011821      -550.5069932324 -3.17E-03
    24 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00010056      -550.5088236091 -1.83E-03
    25 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.2     0.00009136      -550.5098396803 -1.02E-03
    26 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.3     0.00007924      -550.5109597551 -1.12E-03
    27 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.4     0.00006762      -550.5121912497 -1.23E-03
    28 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.3     0.00006041      -550.5129952441 -8.04E-04
    29 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.8     0.00005408      -550.5137057372 -7.10E-04
    30 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.5     0.00004949      -550.5142473045 -5.42E-04
    31 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.5     0.00004573      -550.5147048985 -4.58E-04
    32 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.9     0.00004071      -550.5153134770 -6.09E-04
    33 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.4     0.00003751      -550.5157489841 -4.36E-04
    34 OT DIIS     0.15E+00   10.5     0.00003507      -550.5160928600 -3.44E-04
    35 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.7     0.00003259      -550.5164222164 -3.29E-04
    36 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    2.0     0.00002992      -550.5167468233 -3.25E-04
    37 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.5     0.00002808      -550.5170141541 -2.67E-04
    38 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.9     0.00002666      -550.5172021557 -1.88E-04
    39 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.2     0.00002497      -550.5174259635 -2.24E-04
    40 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.2     0.00002349      -550.5176150929 -1.89E-04
    41 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    6.5     0.00002169      -550.5178108530 -1.96E-04
    42 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.9     0.00002063      -550.5179284622 -1.18E-04
    43 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.2     0.00001949      -550.5180421551 -1.14E-04
    44 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.9     0.00001797      -550.5181724980 -1.30E-04
    45 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    5.4     0.00001694      -550.5182596580 -8.72E-05

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