WARNING : did not converge in ot_eigensolver

Rieska Amilia riesk... at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 04:44:07 UTC 2016

i wanna ask something.. please help me,,,,

this is my toruble

outer SCF iter = 1001 RMS gradient =   0.10E-06 energy =        
*  outer SCF loop FAILED to converge after 1001 iterations or 2708 steps*

  Eigenvalues of the occupied subspace spin            1
  and           20  added MO eigenvalues
 Fermi Energy [eV] :    1.500838
  Lowest Eigenvalues of the unoccupied subspace spin            1
* WARNING : did not converge in ot_eigensolver*
 number of iterations         5999  exceeded maximum
 current gradient / target gradient   5.4773656935755210E-005  /    

what should i do with my warning?this is my .inp and .out also...
best regards,
rieska amilia
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