I have a problem with CPASSERT failed error in pw/pw_grids.F:881

Chris K. Lee lksz... at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 02:57:23 UTC 2016

I'm new to this program and trying to do an calculaiton with my system

I made an input but there's so many errors.

I corrected my mistakes step by step.

But I meet a problem which I can't figure it out what the problem is.

I attached my input and output.



 ===== Routine Calling Stack ===== 
            8 pw_grid_distribute
            7 pw_grid_setup_internal
            6 pw_grid_setup
            5 pw_env_rebuild
            4 qs_env_rebuild_pw_env
            3 qs_env_setup
            2 qs_init_subsys
            1 CP2K
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