The specified OLD file <HFX_BASIS > cannot be opened. It does not exist.

Dj MG ghada... at
Mon Jul 11 22:43:44 UTC 2016

OK Thank you Mr. Conrad. You're one of the person who always answer my 
question here. Once more thank you. 
God Bless You. 

On Monday, July 11, 2016 at 3:46:08 PM UTC+7, Conrad wrote:
> As the error states, it cannot be found. You've put many TAB characters in 
> your input. As you can see from the output error, the input parser is 
> reading them. As a first attempt at a fix, try removing them.
> On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 11:49:16 AM UTC+1, Dj MG wrote:
>> Hi cp2k lovers.
>> What's wrong with my cp2k or my input file below?
>> Cheers always
>> DJ MG
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