Warning about using LibXC

Zhendong Guo zhendon... at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 15:08:10 UTC 2016

Dear everyone
      I use  the functional from LIBXC, showing as follow:
                    FUNCTIONAL  XC_GGA_X_RPW86  XC_GGA_C_PBE
               &END LIBXC
            &END XC_FUNCTIONAL.
    then I met such warning:

 *** WARNING in xc/xc_libxc_wrap.F:637 :: This version (3.0.0) of LibXC is
 *** new or unknown. ======== Please check the results carefully. ========
 ***     More informations on bugfixes can be found at:
 *** http://www.tddft.org/programs/octopus/wiki/index.php/Libxc_changes
 *** Calculation continues using unsupported LibXC version.

It seems this warning is attributed to the version problem of LibXC.
If anybody can help me solve this warning?

Best regards

Zhendong Guo
Phone: +41786943316
Email:  zhendon... at gmail.com
            zhendo... at epfl.ch
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