[CP2K:7675] Re: CP2K compiling on CRAYXC40 - cuda version using gnu compiler
dcoss... at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 17:26:17 UTC 2016
I have received very similar errors before on Cray machines (most recently
a few Cray XC40 and XC30 machines). Are you getting a Cholesky Error
along the lines of "Cholesky decompose failed: the matrix is not positive
definite or ill-conditioned" in your output files (not the error files)?
My problems occurred when I tried statically linking Intel MKL libraries
for the BLAS, LAPACK, SCALAPACK, and BLACS libraries. Even when I did not
use the Cray cc wrapper to exclude any conflicts from Libsci_gnu_49 I was
still getting the error.
I see you are not using MKL libraries, but you might want to try a
different version of LibSci Module. Also, are you compiling in the Batch
Nodes or Compute nodes? I've had programs that misbehave when they aren't
compiled inside the batch nodes. To compile in a batch node, submit an
interactive PBS job (qsub -I -A <Allocation> -q debug -l
select=1:ncpus=24:mpiprocs=24 -l walltime=0:30:00 -N cp2k_build -j oe -o
cp2k.oe) of course you'll have to change ncpus and mpiprocs to your Cray's
processors. When building inside Batch Nodes, please do not use more than
4 cpus for make (make -j 4). These Batch nodes are really the PBS MOM
nodes that dole out the PBS tasks to the compute nodes and Admins can get
angry when you overload them. I have attached the Architecture file that
worked for me for my Cray XC40 build, of course this is for POPT and you'd
have to make the necessary changes to build a Hybrid Executable.
On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 5:38:10 AM UTC-4, Aman Jindal wrote:
> Yeah I did that. Now, once more I am trying to compile plumed again and
> then cp2k (without this flag).
> Hope it will work.
> Thank you
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Alfio Lazzaro <alfi... at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Interesting, there must something before the error you are mentioning.
>> Have you make "clean" of CP2K before recompiling it with the flag?
>> Alfio
>> On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 9:10:28 AM UTC+2, Aman Jindal wrote:
>>> Hello Alfio,
>>> Thanks your valuable response. I tried compiling cp2k after removing the
>>> flag "-mavx" , but I am getting the following error:
>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> Plumed was compiled using the following commands:
>>> 1) ./configure CXX=CC CC=cc F77=ftn F90=ftn --prefix=/path/for/exe
>>> --enable-mpi
>>> 2) make
>>> 3) make install
>>> Aman
>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Alfio Lazzaro <alfi... at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Aman,
>>>> in your arch file I see that you are using "-mavx" flag. Could you
>>>> remove it and try to recompile? Your error message says that there is
>>>> something wrong with the flags used for the compilation (I assume the
>>>> vector instructions), and from your last email it is seems that there is
>>>> something wrong with PLUMED. Do you know how it was compiled?
>>>> Alfio
>>>> Il giorno mercoledì 13 aprile 2016 11:55:02 UTC+2, Aman Jindal ha
>>>> scritto:
>>>>> Hello Samuel Andermatt,
>>>>> I found that this error is coming only if I am compiling CP2K(version
>>>>> 3.0) with plumed (version 2.2.1). Because I compiled cp2k with and without
>>>>> plumed today using CRAY-XC30-gfortran.psmp (this time without cuda) arch
>>>>> file. Now without plumed, it is working fine, but with plumed it is giving
>>>>> the same error (mentioned earlier).
>>>>> Do you have any idea how can I resolve this issue..
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Aman
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 6:36 PM, Aman Jindal <amanj... at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, I used CRAY-XC30-gfortran-cuda.psmp arch file and I
>>>>>> have gcc-5.2.0 version. Attached is the modified arch file.
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> On Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 6:21:25 PM UTC+5:30, Samuel Andermatt
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Which arch file did you use and which compiler version do you have?
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