CI-NEB: Significant change in intermediate geometries.
Natalie Austin
natalie... at
Thu Sep 17 20:35:37 UTC 2015
I have a question related to the NUMBER of REPLICAS and NPROC_REP
I thought the way that the NEB calculations worked was that I could provide
initial and final geometries and then any other geometries that I request
will be formed with interpolation. This is done through the number of
replicas correct?
I was trying to look at co2 dissociation on a Cu55 cluster.
So I specified 4 replicas and provided my initial and final geometries as
two of the 4 replicas in the &REPLICA section. Then I specified the number
of NPROC_REP to be 16 and so in total I used 64 cores when I submitted the
When I ran this calculation I received 4 files
back. Files 1 and 4 were what I believe were the initial geometries I
provided. However in files 2 and 3 there was a significant change in the
morphology of the Cu55 cluster, (it lost its icosahedral symmetry). Is this
significant change a result of the interpolation process? if so is there a
way prevent such a change?
I did not observe significant changes in the cluster when I optimized a
geometry of CO adsorbed on Cu55 so I wasn't expecting the cluster to change
I've provided the input file i used in the 4 replicas.
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