error running revision 16221 on a mac (gfortran, non parallel)

Alfio Lazzaro alfio.... at
Wed Oct 28 00:44:14 UTC 2015

Hi Johannes,
to avoid that message you can add 


in your DFLAGS variable in the arch file.


Il giorno martedì 27 ottobre 2015 17:28:41 UTC+1, Johannes Wagner ha 
> Hi,
> I have been compiling and using cp2k on a mac for a while now and recently 
> downloaded the latest trunk (revision 16221)
> When I try to compile with the usual makefile for my sopt version, 
> compilation runs through but the executable seems faulty...
> trying to run gives 
> *At line 121 of file ../cp2k/cp2k/src/base/machine_posix.f90 (unit = 
> 121245)Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file '/proc/self/statm': No such 
> file or directory*
> If I use the exact same makefile on a fresh svn checkout of version 2.6.2, 
> all is good and well.
> What may be the problem here?
> Here is my simple Darwin-IntelMacintosh-gfortran.sopt
> CC       = cc
> CPP      =
> FC       = gfortran
> LD       = gfortran
> AR       = ar -r
> RANLIB   = ranlib
> DFLAGS   =
> FCFLAGS  = -O2 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize -ffree-form 
> LIBS     = -Wl,-framework -Wl,accelerate -Wl,-Y -Wl,10
> thanks for any help!
> Johannes
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