MD calculation water on Pt

Sergey Doronin sedo... at
Thu Nov 12 19:56:49 UTC 2015

Hi, dear colleagues


Last weeks I started MD calculation of Pt+H2O system. Water was presented 
by SPC model, Pt-H2O described by Siepmann-Sprik type potential (parameters 
of potential were taken from J.I. Siepmann and M.Sprik // J.Chem.Phys. Vol. 
102, No. 1, 1995).


Unfortunately all calculations are terminated as:


(file *Pt111_1586H2O_Test1*)

*ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):            



* Centre of mass motion (COM):                            x =       

*                                                         y =        

*                                                         z =       


* ********************************************************************************

* ENSEMBLE TYPE                
=                                              NVT*

* STEP NUMBER                  
=                                             4210*

* TIME [fs]                    =                                       

* CONSERVED QUANTITY [hartree] =                               


*                                              INSTANTANEOUS             

* CPU TIME [s]                 =                        
0.97                 1.01*

* ENERGY DRIFT PER ATOM [K]    =          0.746520229520E+05   

* POTENTIAL ENERGY[hartree]    =         -0.317364421389E+02  

* KINETIC ENERGY [hartree]     =          0.294647664771E+01   

* TEMPERATURE [K]              =                     195.611              

* ********************************************************************************


* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](A.U.)|                  -5.474236  -7.277890 

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](Debye)|                -13.914119 -18.498550 

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE] DERIVATIVE(A.U.)|       -0.011981  -0.010334   


* ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):           



* Centre of mass motion (COM):                            x =       

*                                                         y =        

*                                                         z =       




* ********************************************************

* *** ERROR in siep_Phi_ij (MODULE manybody_siepmann) ****

* ********************************************************


* *** Error in Siepmann-Sprik part: too many H atoms ****


* *** Program stopped at line number 338 of MODULE manybody_siepmann ****

or sometimes (file *Pt111_1586H2O_Test2*) terminated as


*Centre of mass motion (COM):                            x =       

*                                                         y =       

*                                                         z =       

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](A.U.)|                  -6.717544   2.821496  

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](Debye)|                -17.074293   7.171526  

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE] DERIVATIVE(A.U.)|       -0.002798  -0.008723   


* ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):            



* Centre of mass motion (COM):                            x =       

*                                                         y =       

*                                                         z =       

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](A.U.)|                  -6.729504   2.834566  

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE](Debye)|                -17.104691   7.204748  

* MM DIPOLE [BERRY PHASE] DERIVATIVE(A.U.)|       -0.002638  -0.008331   


* ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):       



* ***********************************************************************

* ***********************************************************************

* *** 22:43:43 ERRORL3 in thermostat_utils:communication_thermo_low1 ****

* *** processor 0  :: err=-300 condition FAILED at line 1877         ****

* ***********************************************************************

* ***********************************************************************



I’ve varied the basic parameters to solve the problem: time steps, 
temperature, type and parameters of thermostat, Pt-O potential in &genpot 
section and etc. But all manipulation doesn’t give anything. Anyway, each 
task has a jump of energy at last iteration. A network also doesn’t have 
any information.


Can anyone please help me to solve this problem? Maybe someone work with 
Siepmann potential?
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