Instability in Realtime Propagation since v2.6.0 (was working before)

M. Brehm brehmin... at
Thu Mar 26 10:47:06 UTC 2015

Dear Community,

while performing some tests, I encountered a problem in performing realtime 
propagation with CP2k. A given input file for such a simulation works fine 
with version 2.5.0 or earlier, but does no longer converge with version 
2.6.0 (and the current trunk).

In more detail:

The attached input file performs a realtime propagation of some organic 
molecule (non-periodic system) with an electric field applied in the first 
step, starting from a SCF wavefunction which is optimized in the beginning 
of the run (to very high accuracy).

In order to make sure that I did not miscompile CP2k, I used the statically 
linked precompiled executables ("sopt") from the homepage for this test. 
Attached you find the log files from version 2.5.0 and version 2.6.0. In 
2.5.0 (and prior), the realtime propagation runs fine. Starting from 
version 2.6.0, already the fifth propagation step does not converge, and 
the simulation stops.

The suggested approaches to handle this issue (reduce the propagation time 
step, increase the max. number of cycles, change EPS_ITER) all do not cure 
it. The simulation runs slightly longer then, but finally always reaches a 
point where no convergence can be achieved. This means the new versions 
cannot be used at all to perform these calculations, not even with a tiny 
propagation time step and so on...

I have several (self-compiled) CP2k versions on my machine here, and I 
checked them all. The last version which is working for me is r13642, which 
is almost identical to 2.5.0 (appeared in the end of Feb 2014). Other 
versions I tried are r14009, r14394, and r15164, and they all show the 
problem. So this issue was introduced between February and May 2014.

For the moment I have to use the old 2.5.0 to perform my calculations. 
However, it would be very nice if this could be investigated and fixed in 
the trunk. Or is there a (somehow hidden) parameter which I missed to 
modify, which could make these problems go away?

Best regards,
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 PROJECT_NAME pNitrothiophenol_RTP_0_1
   MAX_SCF 500
   EPS_SCF 1.0E-10
    ALPHA 0.3
   EPS_DIIS 1.0E-3
   MAX_DIIS 20
   EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-20
   EPS_ITER 1.0E-8
   MAX_ITER 50
   POLARISATION 0.859311 0.511454 0
    END_STEP 1
   ABC 12.5 12.5 12.5
    C     6.256773     7.571077     6.250000
    C     7.479671     6.866019     6.250000
    N     8.747711     7.621795     6.250000
    O     9.816658     6.966674     6.250000
    O     8.679950     8.873467     6.250000
    C     7.517432     5.454532     6.250000
    C     6.309427     4.737786     6.250000
    C     5.063885     5.428164     6.250000
    S     3.589585     4.449211     6.250000
    C     5.049622     6.851280     6.250000
    H     6.269639     8.672960     6.250000
    H     8.492669     4.941549     6.250000
    H     6.330149     3.634033     6.250000
    H     2.715651     5.494495     6.250000
    H     4.090958     7.399194     6.250000
  STEPS 3500
  TIMESTEP [au_t] 0.6
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 DBCSR| Multiplication driver                                                SMM
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2015-03-25 18:23:06.874
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                        uoe07.intranet
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                              root ;-)
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 22932
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN        /home/brehmm/CP2k_Test/MT_RT/5

 CP2K| version string:                                        CP2K version 2.5.0
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                    svn:13632
 CP2K| is freely available from                   
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Wed Feb 26 08:51:49 CET 2014
 CP2K| Program compiled on                                                PC9404
 CP2K| Program compiled for                         Linux-x86-64-gfortran-static
 CP2K| Input file name                                                 input.inp

 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                           BASIS_SET
 GLOBAL| Geminal file name                                         BASIS_GEMINAL
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                                           POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                   pNitrothiophenol_RTP_0_1
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT library                                             FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Preferred diagonalization lib.                                       SL
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                 RT_PROPAGATION
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             1
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal            528375444     528375444     528375444     528375444
 MEMORY| MemFree             355595860     355595860     355595860     355595860
 MEMORY| Buffers                775048        775048        775048        775048
 MEMORY| Cached              156267560     156267560     156267560     156267560
 MEMORY| Slab                  5172684       5172684       5172684       5172684
 MEMORY| SReclaimable          4967620       4967620       4967620       4967620
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree       517606088     517606088     517606088     517606088

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K Developers Group (2000 - 2014)           **
 **                                                                           **

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                             500
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                             20
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-10
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-03
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        Mixing method:                           DIRECT_P_MIXING
                        No outer SCF

 Number of electrons:                                                         52
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                 26
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                                26

 Number of orbital functions:                                                155
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                    155

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess


  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    9.0     0.90085461       -88.8944890920 -8.89E+01
     2 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.6     0.61204543       -88.9582283185 -6.37E-02
     3 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.4     0.41480105       -88.9860474978 -2.78E-02
     4 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.6     0.29030851       -89.0005243948 -1.45E-02
     5 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.2     0.20829477       -89.0089553530 -8.43E-03
     6 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.2     0.14839519       -89.0142275432 -5.27E-03
     7 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.1     0.10523757       -89.0176748050 -3.45E-03
     8 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.9     0.07442696       -89.0199914192 -2.32E-03
     9 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.9     0.05252913       -89.0215741571 -1.58E-03
    10 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.1     0.03702312       -89.0226662105 -1.09E-03
    11 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.8     0.02606685       -89.0234241212 -7.58E-04
    12 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.4     0.01833954       -89.0239519557 -5.28E-04
    13 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.3     0.01289496       -89.0243203150 -3.68E-04
    14 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.3     0.00906297       -89.0245776967 -2.57E-04
    15 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.2     0.00636712       -89.0247576674 -1.80E-04
    16 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.2     0.00447204       -89.0248835647 -1.26E-04
    17 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.0     0.00314007       -89.0249716585 -8.81E-05
    18 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.4     0.00220447       -89.0250333098 -6.17E-05
    19 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.1     0.00154727       -89.0250764599 -4.32E-05
    20 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.1     0.00108589       -89.0251066624 -3.02E-05
    21 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.1     0.00076194       -89.0251278033 -2.11E-05
    22 DIIS/Diag.  0.45E-05    6.1     0.00053706       -89.0251426015 -1.48E-05
    23 DIIS/Diag.  0.39E-06    5.9     0.00000032       -89.0251771298 -3.45E-05
    24 DIIS/Diag.  0.43E-06    6.4     0.00000011       -89.0251771298  1.42E-13
    25 DIIS/Diag.  0.38E-06    6.0     0.00000006       -89.0251771298 -1.56E-13
    26 DIIS/Diag.  0.40E-06    6.4     0.00000002       -89.0251771298  7.11E-14
    27 DIIS/Diag.  0.39E-06    6.1     0.00000001       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    28 DIIS/Diag.  0.39E-06    6.0     0.00000022       -89.0251771298 -1.42E-14
    29 DIIS/Diag.  0.33E-06    6.2     0.00000038       -89.0251771298 -1.14E-13
    30 DIIS/Diag.  0.23E-06    6.0     0.00000053       -89.0251771298 -3.13E-13
    31 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-06    5.8     0.00000034       -89.0251771298 -2.56E-13
    32 DIIS/Diag.  0.16E-06    5.6     0.00000045       -89.0251771298  1.14E-13
    33 DIIS/Diag.  0.74E-07    5.9     0.00000014       -89.0251771298 -1.56E-13
    34 DIIS/Diag.  0.29E-07    6.2     0.00000005       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-14
    35 DIIS/Diag.  0.84E-08    6.1     0.00000001       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    36 DIIS/Diag.  0.35E-08    6.1     0.00000002       -89.0251771298 -1.42E-14
    37 DIIS/Diag.  0.13E-07    6.3     0.00000002       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    38 DIIS/Diag.  0.32E-08    6.3     5.1439E-09       -89.0251771298 -1.42E-14
    39 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    6.1     1.8790E-09       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    40 DIIS/Diag.  0.68E-09    5.9     3.0180E-10       -89.0251771298  4.26E-14
    41 DIIS/Diag.  0.58E-09    5.6     1.3238E-10       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-14
    42 DIIS/Diag.  0.49E-09    5.8     1.4884E-10       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    43 DIIS/Diag.  0.40E-09    5.7     2.5164E-10       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    44 DIIS/Diag.  0.30E-09    6.2     6.8337E-10       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    45 DIIS/Diag.  0.93E-09    6.0     2.0424E-10       -89.0251771298 -5.68E-14
    46 DIIS/Diag.  0.75E-09    6.1     4.8825E-10       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    47 DIIS/Diag.  0.14E-08    6.0     1.0044E-09       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    48 DIIS/Diag.  0.29E-08    6.0     2.8338E-09       -89.0251771298 -4.26E-14
    49 DIIS/Diag.  0.71E-08    6.0     1.4512E-09       -89.0251771298  5.68E-14
    50 DIIS/Diag.  0.53E-08    5.8     6.6841E-09       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    51 DIIS/Diag.  0.40E-08    5.9     3.6741E-09       -89.0251771298 -5.68E-14
    52 DIIS/Diag.  0.21E-08    5.8     0.00000001       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    53 DIIS/Diag.  0.93E-08    6.0     6.7892E-09       -89.0251771298  5.68E-14
    54 DIIS/Diag.  0.46E-08    6.2     4.3702E-09       -89.0251771298 -1.42E-14
    55 DIIS/Diag.  0.20E-08    6.2     7.6949E-10       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    56 DIIS/Diag.  0.19E-08    5.9     3.5324E-10       -89.0251771298 -1.42E-14
    57 DIIS/Diag.  0.16E-08    5.7     1.0078E-09       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    58 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    5.6     2.7619E-10       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    59 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    6.2     1.4918E-10       -89.0251771298 -4.26E-14
    60 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    5.9     1.4296E-10       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    61 DIIS/Diag.  0.10E-08    5.6     1.1013E-10       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    62 DIIS/Diag.  0.97E-09    6.0     1.0988E-10       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-14
    63 DIIS/Diag.  0.91E-09    6.2     9.4889E-11       -89.0251771298  4.26E-14

  *** SCF run converged in    63 steps ***

  Electronic density on regular grids:        -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Core density on regular grids:               51.9999999985       -0.0000000015
  Total charge density on r-space grids:       -0.0000000751
  Total charge density g-space grids:          -0.0000000751

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000184205424
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -219.14500393329951
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     63.19188567065878
  Hartree energy:                                              90.59600633069074
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -23.66806703990252

  Total energy:                                               -89.02517712979825

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=      0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73451643 Y=   -1.75800819 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05037015

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):              -89.025177129798266

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728092
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043206
  Convergence:                                                      0.657671E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728102
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043196
  Convergence:                                                      0.344730E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728101
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043197
  Convergence:                                                      0.176835E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728101
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043196
  Convergence:                                                      0.119386E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728101
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043196
  Convergence:                                                      0.846744E-09
  Time needed for propagation:                                     35.97

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0001043196

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000000

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73350919 Y=   -1.75740787 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04921694

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770786
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000512
  Convergence:                                                      0.658015E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.369650E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.147158E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.102072E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.815059E-09
  Time needed for propagation:                                     36.46

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000519

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000000

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73128854 Y=   -1.75608601 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04667508

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770765
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000533
  Convergence:                                                      0.658353E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770782
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000516
  Convergence:                                                      0.442668E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.284744E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.189090E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.126396E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     36.64

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000517

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000000

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73013143 Y=   -1.75540380 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04535290

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770783
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000515
  Convergence:                                                      0.658355E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770777
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000521
  Convergence:                                                      0.543400E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.293076E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.195806E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.137307E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     36.41

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000520

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000000

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.72982352 Y=   -1.75523492 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04500546

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770773
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000525
  Convergence:                                                      0.658359E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.405807E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.259246E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.178672E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.128322E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     37.61

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000000

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.72968799 Y=   -1.75517126 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04485625

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770782
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000516
  Convergence:                                                      0.658362E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.196326E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.126593E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.839027E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.23

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000519

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000001

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.72980409 Y=   -1.75525179 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04499313

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000731       -0.0000000731
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770772
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000526
  Convergence:                                                      0.658361E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000731       -0.0000000731
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770776
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000522
  Convergence:                                                      0.359761E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000731       -0.0000000731
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770775
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000523
  Convergence:                                                      0.258690E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000731       -0.0000000731
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770775
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000522
  Convergence:                                                      0.188036E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000731       -0.0000000731
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770775
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000522
  Convergence:                                                      0.142382E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     35.32

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000522

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000003

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=      0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73047930 Y=   -1.75565467 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04576632

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.658354E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.547774E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.408456E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.283913E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.54

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000517

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73155832 Y=   -1.75628831 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04699839

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.658345E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.311696E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.217982E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.158059E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.119791E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     35.53

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73257209 Y=   -1.75687802 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04815401

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.658341E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.115240E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.848943E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.662331E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.39

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000517

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73329067 Y=   -1.75729226 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04897184

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.658342E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.221001E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.145963E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.971283E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.67

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73388463 Y=   -1.75763711 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04964869

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.658342E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.189620E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.127231E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000740       -0.0000000740
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.876695E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     31.52

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000517

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73452428 Y=   -1.75801696 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05038056

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.658341E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.152588E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.998015E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.690891E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.69

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73504465 Y=   -1.75833428 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05097885

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.658339E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.222108E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.153450E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.106174E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.743268E-09
  Time needed for propagation:                                     35.68

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73519668 Y=   -1.75843767 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05115735

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770781
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000517
  Convergence:                                                      0.658340E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.940135E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.583419E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.383454E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.33

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73502797 Y=   -1.75834961 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05096854

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.658340E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.246802E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.170722E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.119992E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.863005E-09
  Time needed for propagation:                                     35.31

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000519

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73478327 Y=   -1.75821182 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05069118

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.658338E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.418226E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.220286E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000737       -0.0000000737
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.136090E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     29.91

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000519

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73457190 Y=   -1.75808951 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05045046

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.658338E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.214187E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.144966E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.983939E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.14

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73431279 Y=   -1.75793460 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05015362

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.658342E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.584480E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.372418E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.286005E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.18

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73395640 Y=   -1.75771332 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04974250

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.658345E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.146740E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.100007E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.682280E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.78

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73363280 Y=   -1.75749691 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04936381

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.658347E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.755296E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.532565E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.405814E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.78

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73348367 Y=   -1.75737101 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04918019

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.658347E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.863225E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.577583E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.388767E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.25

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000520

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000004

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73346209 Y=   -1.75731977 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04914212

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.658346E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.100184E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.671719E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770780
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000518
  Convergence:                                                      0.460600E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     31.24

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000518

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000005

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73346659 Y=   -1.75729642 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04913821

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.658344E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.767103E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.541604E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.423962E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.15

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000519

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000005

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73351291 Y=   -1.75731606 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04918847

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770778
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000520
  Convergence:                                                      0.658344E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.110818E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.820054E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000738       -0.0000000738
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770779
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000519
  Convergence:                                                      0.622798E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.88

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000519

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000005

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73363578 Y=   -1.75739721 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04933190
-------------- next part --------------
 DBCSR| Multiplication driver                                                SMM
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2015-03-25 17:40:23.055
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                        uoe07.intranet
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                                brehmm
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 22829
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN        /home/brehmm/CP2k_Test/MT_RT/4

 CP2K| version string:                                          CP2K version 2.6
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                    svn:14880
 CP2K| is freely available from                   
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Mon 22 Dec 11:04:07 CET 2014
 CP2K| Program compiled on                                                PC9404
 CP2K| Program compiled for                         Linux-x86-64-gfortran-static
 CP2K| Input file name                                                 input.inp

 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                           BASIS_SET
 GLOBAL| Geminal file name                                         BASIS_GEMINAL
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                                           POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                   pNitrothiophenol_RTP_0_1
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT library                                             FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Preferred diagonalization lib.                                       SL
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                 RT_PROPAGATION
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             1
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal            528375444     528375444     528375444     528375444
 MEMORY| MemFree             355933532     355933532     355933532     355933532
 MEMORY| Buffers                774996        774996        774996        774996
 MEMORY| Cached              155948768     155948768     155948768     155948768
 MEMORY| Slab                  5164032       5164032       5164032       5164032
 MEMORY| SReclaimable          4959352       4959352       4959352       4959352
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree       517616648     517616648     517616648     517616648

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K Developers Group (2000 - 2014)           **
 **                                                                           **

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                             500
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                             20
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-10
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-03
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        Mixing method:                           DIRECT_P_MIXING
                        No outer SCF

 Number of electrons:                                                         52
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                 26
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                                26

 Number of orbital functions:                                                155
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                    155

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess


  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    6.6     0.90085461       -88.8944890920 -8.89E+01
     2 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.2     0.61204543       -88.9582283185 -6.37E-02
     3 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.4     0.41480105       -88.9860474978 -2.78E-02
     4 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.4     0.29030851       -89.0005243948 -1.45E-02
     5 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.2     0.20829477       -89.0089553530 -8.43E-03
     6 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    5.1     0.14839519       -89.0142275432 -5.27E-03
     7 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.7     0.10523757       -89.0176748050 -3.45E-03
     8 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.7     0.07442696       -89.0199914192 -2.32E-03
     9 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.7     0.05252913       -89.0215741571 -1.58E-03
    10 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.6     0.03702312       -89.0226662105 -1.09E-03
    11 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.02606685       -89.0234241212 -7.58E-04
    12 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.01833954       -89.0239519557 -5.28E-04
    13 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.01289496       -89.0243203150 -3.68E-04
    14 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.00906297       -89.0245776967 -2.57E-04
    15 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.00636712       -89.0247576674 -1.80E-04
    16 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.4     0.00447204       -89.0248835647 -1.26E-04
    17 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.4     0.00314007       -89.0249716585 -8.81E-05
    18 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.00220447       -89.0250333098 -6.17E-05
    19 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.00154727       -89.0250764599 -4.32E-05
    20 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.4     0.00108589       -89.0251066624 -3.02E-05
    21 P_Mix/Diag. 0.30E+00    4.5     0.00076194       -89.0251278033 -2.11E-05
    22 DIIS/Diag.  0.45E-05    4.5     0.00053706       -89.0251426015 -1.48E-05
    23 DIIS/Diag.  0.39E-06    4.5     0.00000032       -89.0251771298 -3.45E-05
    24 DIIS/Diag.  0.43E-06    4.7     0.00000011       -89.0251771298  1.42E-13
    25 DIIS/Diag.  0.38E-06    4.5     0.00000006       -89.0251771298 -1.99E-13
    26 DIIS/Diag.  0.40E-06    4.5     0.00000002       -89.0251771298  1.28E-13
    27 DIIS/Diag.  0.39E-06    4.5     0.00000001       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    28 DIIS/Diag.  0.39E-06    4.5     0.00000022       -89.0251771298 -4.26E-14
    29 DIIS/Diag.  0.33E-06    4.5     0.00000038       -89.0251771298 -1.14E-13
    30 DIIS/Diag.  0.23E-06    4.5     0.00000053       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-13
    31 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-06    4.5     0.00000034       -89.0251771298 -2.70E-13
    32 DIIS/Diag.  0.16E-06    4.5     0.00000045       -89.0251771298  1.14E-13
    33 DIIS/Diag.  0.74E-07    4.5     0.00000014       -89.0251771298 -1.56E-13
    34 DIIS/Diag.  0.29E-07    4.6     0.00000005       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    35 DIIS/Diag.  0.84E-08    4.5     0.00000001       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    36 DIIS/Diag.  0.35E-08    4.5     0.00000002       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    37 DIIS/Diag.  0.13E-07    4.5     0.00000002       -89.0251771298 -4.26E-14
    38 DIIS/Diag.  0.32E-08    4.4     5.1440E-09       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    39 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    4.5     1.8791E-09       -89.0251771298  5.68E-14
    40 DIIS/Diag.  0.68E-09    4.5     3.0179E-10       -89.0251771298 -5.68E-14
    41 DIIS/Diag.  0.58E-09    4.5     1.3238E-10       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    42 DIIS/Diag.  0.49E-09    4.5     1.4822E-10       -89.0251771298 -5.68E-14
    43 DIIS/Diag.  0.40E-09    4.5     2.5163E-10       -89.0251771298  4.26E-14
    44 DIIS/Diag.  0.30E-09    4.5     6.8337E-10       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    45 DIIS/Diag.  0.93E-09    4.9     2.0424E-10       -89.0251771298 -8.53E-14
    46 DIIS/Diag.  0.75E-09    4.7     4.8824E-10       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    47 DIIS/Diag.  0.14E-08    4.6     1.0044E-09       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    48 DIIS/Diag.  0.29E-08    4.6     2.8338E-09       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    49 DIIS/Diag.  0.71E-08    4.5     1.4512E-09       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-14
    50 DIIS/Diag.  0.53E-08    4.5     6.6841E-09       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    51 DIIS/Diag.  0.40E-08    4.5     3.6741E-09       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    52 DIIS/Diag.  0.21E-08    4.5     0.00000001       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    53 DIIS/Diag.  0.93E-08    4.5     6.7885E-09       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    54 DIIS/Diag.  0.46E-08    4.5     4.3702E-09       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    55 DIIS/Diag.  0.20E-08    4.5     7.6959E-10       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-14
    56 DIIS/Diag.  0.19E-08    4.6     3.5314E-10       -89.0251771298 -1.42E-14
    57 DIIS/Diag.  0.16E-08    4.6     1.0082E-09       -89.0251771298 -2.84E-14
    58 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    4.5     2.7619E-10       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    59 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    4.5     1.4918E-10       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00
    60 DIIS/Diag.  0.11E-08    4.5     1.4295E-10       -89.0251771298  2.84E-14
    61 DIIS/Diag.  0.10E-08    4.6     1.1012E-10       -89.0251771298  1.42E-14
    62 DIIS/Diag.  0.97E-09    4.5     1.0988E-10       -89.0251771298 -4.26E-14
    63 DIIS/Diag.  0.91E-09    4.5     9.4892E-11       -89.0251771298  0.00E+00

  *** SCF run converged in    63 steps ***

  Electronic density on regular grids:        -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Core density on regular grids:               51.9999999985       -0.0000000015
  Total charge density on r-space grids:       -0.0000000751
  Total charge density g-space grids:          -0.0000000751

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000184205424
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -219.14500393329951
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     63.19188567065874
  Hartree energy:                                              90.59600633069078
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -23.66806703990252

  Total energy:                                               -89.02517712979827

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73451643 Y=   -1.75800819 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05037015

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):              -89.025177129798251

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728098
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043200
  Convergence:                                                      0.658005E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728099
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043199
  Convergence:                                                      0.913119E-06

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728099
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043199
  Convergence:                                                      0.479206E-07

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000736       -0.0000000736
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0250728099
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0001043199
  Convergence:                                                      0.322651E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     24.90

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0001043199

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000000

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=      0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73425621 Y=   -1.75785309 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.05007221

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771046
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000252
  Convergence:                                                      0.197928E+00

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771050
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000248
  Convergence:                                                      0.179497E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771050
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000248
  Convergence:                                                      0.116079E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771050
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000248
  Convergence:                                                      0.762680E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     24.86

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000248

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000005

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73264915 Y=   -1.75689569 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04823241

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771041
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000257
  Convergence:                                                      0.454801E-01

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771051
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000247
  Convergence:                                                      0.606161E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771051
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000247
  Convergence:                                                      0.345051E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771051
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000247
  Convergence:                                                      0.229722E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771051
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000247
  Convergence:                                                      0.157497E-08
  Time needed for propagation:                                     30.12

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000247

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000005

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73166905 Y=   -1.75631519 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04711155

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771052
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000246
  Convergence:                                                      0.452742E-01

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771049
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000249
  Convergence:                                                      0.371509E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771049
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000249
  Convergence:                                                      0.172154E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771049
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000249
  Convergence:                                                      0.114974E-07

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000739       -0.0000000739
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771049
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000249
  Convergence:                                                      0.829391E-09
  Time needed for propagation:                                     29.76

  CONVERGENCE REACHED       0.0000000249

  Max deviation from orthonormalization:                           0.0000000005

  Reference Point [Bohr]          12.35108931   11.89232885   11.81078833
    Electronic=    -52.00000000    Core=    52.00000000    Total=     -0.00000000
  Dipoles are based on the traditional operator.
  Dipole moment [Debye]
    X=   -4.73141419 Y=   -1.75617209 Z=   -0.00000000     Total=      5.04682283

  Information at iteration step:           1
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000014317       -0.0000014317
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251778941
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000007643
  Convergence:                                                      0.452221E-01

  Information at iteration step:           2
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000036635       -0.0000036635
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251791922
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000020624
  Convergence:                                                      0.351396E-05

  Information at iteration step:           3
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000002231       -0.0000002231
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771917
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000000619
  Convergence:                                                      0.896668E-06

  Information at iteration step:           4
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000025306       -0.0000025306
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251785334
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000014036
  Convergence:                                                      0.115887E-05

  Information at iteration step:           5
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999993379        0.0000006621
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251766771
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000004527
  Convergence:                                                      0.799143E-06

  Information at iteration step:           6
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000013802       -0.0000013802
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251778645
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000007347
  Convergence:                                                      0.553541E-06

  Information at iteration step:           7
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999992212        0.0000007788
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251766092
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000005206
  Convergence:                                                      0.540853E-06

  Information at iteration step:           8
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999981970        0.0000018030
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251760137
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000011161
  Convergence:                                                      0.341163E-06

  Information at iteration step:           9
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999993388        0.0000006612
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251766776
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000004522
  Convergence:                                                      0.289297E-06

  Information at iteration step:          10
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999985069        0.0000014931
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251761939
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000009359
  Convergence:                                                      0.215441E-06

  Information at iteration step:          11
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999999222        0.0000000778
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770168
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000001130
  Convergence:                                                      0.724730E-06

  Information at iteration step:          12
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999974077        0.0000025923
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251755548
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000015750
  Convergence:                                                      0.649429E-06

  Information at iteration step:          13
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999993690        0.0000006310
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251766951
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000004347
  Convergence:                                                      0.102499E-05

  Information at iteration step:          14
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999962387        0.0000037613
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251748750
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000022548
  Convergence:                                                      0.792584E-06

  Information at iteration step:          15
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000001119       -0.0000001119
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771271
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000027
  Convergence:                                                      0.194285E-05

  Information at iteration step:          16
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999975921        0.0000024079
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251756620
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000014678
  Convergence:                                                      0.631572E-06

  Information at iteration step:          17
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999999413        0.0000000587
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770279
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000001019
  Convergence:                                                      0.588678E-06

  Information at iteration step:          18
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000012479       -0.0000012479
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251777876
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000006578
  Convergence:                                                      0.376030E-06

  Information at iteration step:          19
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000005410       -0.0000005410
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251773766
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000002468
  Convergence:                                                      0.398346E-06

  Information at iteration step:          20
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999997244        0.0000002756
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251769018
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000002280
  Convergence:                                                      0.216909E-06

  Information at iteration step:          21
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000004542       -0.0000004542
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251773261
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000001963
  Convergence:                                                      0.367628E-06

  Information at iteration step:          22
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999994268        0.0000005732
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251767287
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000004011
  Convergence:                                                      0.513798E-06

  Information at iteration step:          23
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000008050       -0.0000008050
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251775301
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000004003
  Convergence:                                                      0.716994E-06

  Information at iteration step:          24
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999985357        0.0000014643
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251762106
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000009192
  Convergence:                                                      0.115110E-05

  Information at iteration step:          25
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000012345       -0.0000012345
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251777798
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000006500
  Convergence:                                                      0.677396E-06

  Information at iteration step:          26
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999985854        0.0000014146
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251762395
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000008903
  Convergence:                                                      0.669265E-06

  Information at iteration step:          27
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999986191        0.0000013809
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251762591
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000008707
  Convergence:                                                      0.305263E-06

  Information at iteration step:          28
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000000206       -0.0000000206
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770740
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000558
  Convergence:                                                      0.800601E-06

  Information at iteration step:          29
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000006221       -0.0000006221
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251774237
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000002939
  Convergence:                                                      0.257101E-06

  Information at iteration step:          30
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999999315        0.0000000685
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770222
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000001076
  Convergence:                                                      0.349197E-06

  Information at iteration step:          31
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999991132        0.0000008868
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251765464
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000005834
  Convergence:                                                      0.475512E-06

  Information at iteration step:          32
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000002308       -0.0000002308
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251771962
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000000664
  Convergence:                                                      0.559044E-06

  Information at iteration step:          33
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000006497       -0.0000006497
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251774398
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000003100
  Convergence:                                                      0.135429E-06

  Information at iteration step:          34
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000018221       -0.0000018221
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251781214
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000009916
  Convergence:                                                      0.601056E-06

  Information at iteration step:          35
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999999496        0.0000000504
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251770327
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000000971
  Convergence:                                                      0.937318E-06

  Information at iteration step:          36
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000022467       -0.0000022467
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251783684
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000012386
  Convergence:                                                      0.574759E-06

  Information at iteration step:          37
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000004151       -0.0000004151
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251773034
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000001736
  Convergence:                                                      0.464477E-06

  Information at iteration step:          38
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999977369        0.0000022631
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251757462
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000013836
  Convergence:                                                      0.138171E-05

  Information at iteration step:          39
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000011027       -0.0000011027
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251777032
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000005734
  Convergence:                                                      0.862048E-06

  Information at iteration step:          40
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000032850       -0.0000032850
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251789720
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000018422
  Convergence:                                                      0.671106E-06

  Information at iteration step:          41
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000011985       -0.0000011985
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251777589
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000006291
  Convergence:                                                      0.535967E-06

  Information at iteration step:          42
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999998621        0.0000001379
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251769818
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000001480
  Convergence:                                                      0.735745E-06

  Information at iteration step:          43
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999998913        0.0000001087
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251769988
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000001310
  Convergence:                                                      0.210801E-06

  Information at iteration step:          44
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000006331       -0.0000006331
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251774301
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000003003
  Convergence:                                                      0.408170E-06

  Information at iteration step:          45
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999980212        0.0000019788
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251759115
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000012183
  Convergence:                                                      0.134106E-05

  Information at iteration step:          46
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000024734       -0.0000024734
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251785002
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000013704
  Convergence:                                                      0.111448E-05

  Information at iteration step:          47
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999995754        0.0000004246
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251768152
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000003146
  Convergence:                                                      0.780369E-06

  Information at iteration step:          48
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -51.9999974461        0.0000025539
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251755771
  Energy difference to initial state:                               0.0000015527
  Convergence:                                                      0.706152E-06

  Information at iteration step:          49
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000003658       -0.0000003658
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251772747
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000001449
  Convergence:                                                      0.146062E-05

  Information at iteration step:          50
  Total electronic density (r-space):         -52.0000007938       -0.0000007938
  Total energy:                                                   -89.0251775236
  Energy difference to initial state:                              -0.0000003938
  Convergence:                                                      0.251091E-06

 *** 17:51:37 ERRORL2 in rt_propagation:run_propagation :: propagation did ***
 *** not converge, either increase MAX_ITER or use a smaller TIMESTEP      ***

 -                                                                             -
 -                                DBCSR STATISTICS                             -
 -                                                                             -
 COUNTER                                      CPU                  ACC      ACC%
 number of processed stacks                  2556                    0       0.0
 matmuls inhomo. stacks                         0                    0       0.0
 matmuls total                             309165                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   26 x    5                   260000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   26 x   13                  1352000                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   26 x    5                  1352000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   20 x    5                  1825000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x    5 x    5                  2156250                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   32 x    5                  2920000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x    5 x   26                  6766500                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   26 x   13                  7030400                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   20 x   13                  9490000                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   20 x    5                  9490000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   13 x    5                 11212500                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x    5 x   13                 11212500                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x    5 x    5                 11212500                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   32 x   13                 15184000                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   32 x    5                 15184000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   13 x   26                 29321500                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x    5 x   26                 29321500                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   20 x   13                 49348000                    0       0.0
 flops   5 x   13 x   13                 58305000                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   13 x    5                 58305000                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x    5 x   13                 58305000                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   32 x   13                 78956800                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   13 x   26                167718980                    0       0.0
 flops  13 x   13 x   13                303186000                    0       0.0
 flops total                            939415430                    0       0.0
 marketing flops                       1139794050

 -                                                                             -
 -                           R E F E R E N C E S                               -
 -                                                                             -

 CP2K version 2.6, the CP2K developers group (2014).
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 Borstnik, U; VandeVondele, J; Weber, V; Hutter, J.
 PARALLEL COMPUTING, 40 (5-6), 47-58 (2014).
 Sparse matrix multiplication: The distributed block-compressed sparse
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 Hutter, J; Iannuzzi, M; Schiffmann, F; VandeVondele, J.
 CP2K: atomistic simulations of condensed matter systems.

 Genovese, L; Deutsch, T; Goedecker, S.
 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (5), 054704 (2007).
 Efficient and accurate three-dimensional Poisson solver for surface

 Genovese, L; Deutsch, T; Neelov, A; Goedecker, S; Beylkin, G.
 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 125 (7), 074105 (2006).
 Efficient solution of Poisson's equation with free boundary conditions.

 Krack, M.
 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, 114 (1-3), 145-152 (2005).
 Pseudopotentials for H to Kr optimized for gradient-corrected
 exchange-correlation functionals.

 VandeVondele, J; Krack, M; Mohamed, F; Parrinello, M; Chassaing, T;
 Hutter, J. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 167 (2), 103-128 (2005).
 QUICKSTEP: Fast and accurate density functional calculations using a
 mixed Gaussian and plane waves approach.

 Frigo, M; Johnson, SG.
 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, 93 (2), 216-231 (2005).
 The design and implementation of FFTW3.

 Kolafa, J.
 Time-reversible always stable predictor-corrector method for molecular dynamics of polarizable molecules.

 Kunert, T; Schmidt, R. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, 25 (1), (2003).
 Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics: General formalism and case
 study H-2(+) in strong laser fields.

 Hartwigsen, C; Goedecker, S; Hutter, J.
 PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 58 (7), 3641-3662 (1998).
 Relativistic separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials from H to Rn.

 Lippert, G; Hutter, J; Parrinello, M.
 MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 92 (3), 477-487 (1997).
 A hybrid Gaussian and plane wave density functional scheme.

 Perdew, JP; Burke, K; Ernzerhof, M.
 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 77 (18), 3865-3868 (1996).
 Generalized gradient approximation made simple.

 Goedecker, S; Teter, M; Hutter, J.
 PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 54 (3), 1703-1710 (1996).
 Separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials.

 -                                                                             -
 -                                T I M I N G                                  -
 -                                                                             -
 SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME
                                MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
 CP2K                                 1  1.0    0.016    0.016  674.084  674.084
 qs_ks_update_qs_env                138  3.9    0.001    0.001  533.007  533.007
 rebuild_ks_matrix                  138  4.9    0.000    0.000  532.991  532.991
 qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix       138  5.9    0.019    0.019  532.990  532.990
 run_propagation                      1  2.0    0.008    0.008  371.813  371.813
 qs_energies_scf                      1  2.0    0.000    0.000  296.015  296.015
 scf_env_do_scf                       1  3.0    0.000    0.000  291.863  291.863
 scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop           63  4.0    0.007    0.007  291.863  291.863
 pw_poisson_solve                   138  6.9   56.333   56.333  275.673  275.673
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2                   1992  8.6    0.028    0.028  201.223  201.223
 fft_wrap_pw1pw2_140                963  9.2    7.978    7.978  187.480  187.480
 ps_wavelet_solve                   138  7.9  158.559  158.559  160.042  160.042
 qs_vxc_create                      138  6.9    0.003    0.003  150.253  150.253
 xc_vxc_pw_create                   137  7.9    5.337    5.337  149.299  149.299
 qs_rho_update_rho                  206  5.3    0.002    0.002  133.329  133.329
 calculate_rho_elec                 206  6.3   37.846   37.846  133.327  133.327
 xc_rho_set_and_dset_create         138  8.9   14.329   14.329  130.206  130.206
 fft3d_s                           1993 10.6  128.392  128.392  128.406  128.406
 propagation_step                    68  3.0    0.002    0.002  112.950  112.950
 xc_functional_eval                 138  9.9    0.002    0.002   99.439   99.439
 pbe_lda_eval                       138 10.9   99.437   99.437   99.437   99.437
 density_rs2pw                      206  7.3    0.010    0.010   94.568   94.568
 calc_update_rho                    142  4.5    0.002    0.002   92.029   92.029
 sum_up_and_integrate               137  6.9    1.607    1.607   74.032   74.032
 integrate_v_rspace                 137  7.9   36.064   36.064   72.425   72.425
 step_finalize                       68  4.0    0.001    0.001   44.493   44.493
 pw_gather_s                       1100 10.5   37.288   37.288   37.288   37.288
 potential_pw2rs                    137  8.9    0.112    0.112   36.333   36.333
 pw_scatter_s                       892 10.8   26.800   26.800   26.800   26.800
 pw_nn_compose_r                   1100  9.4   25.696   25.696   25.696   25.696

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM ENDED AT                 2015-03-25 17:51:37.199
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM RAN ON                            uoe07.intranet
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM RAN BY                                    brehmm
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 22829
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STOPPED IN        /home/brehmm/CP2k_Test/MT_RT/4

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