huan... at
huan... at
Tue Jan 27 14:17:00 UTC 2015
Hi Tobias,
I suggest that you'd better to use the following parameters for restarting
(1) For external restart section:
RESTART_FILE_NAME *YOUR_restart_file.restart * # specified the
restart file
RESTART_COUNTERS *TRUE* # set the step counter followed your restart
point. *If it is False or do not specified, the step number will start from
RESTART_POS *TRUE* # specified the velocity file to read the velocity
RESTART_VEL *TRUE* # specified the velocity file to read the
velocity values
(2) For the DFT section:
WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME *YOUR_wavefunction_file.wfn * # specified the
wave function restart file. The program will read the wave function from
your specified file.
(3) For the SCF section:
SCF_GUESS *RESTART *# set this keyword, then the program will read
data from the restart file.
I also attached the input file added above improvements. I hope those
suggestion will helpful.
All the best,
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 12:17:53 PM UTC+2, tobia... at
> Hello CP2K'ler,
> i do my CP2K calculations (Localization of Wannier centers) on a HPC
> Cluster with a maximum walltime of 24 hours. This is too short, so i have
> to divide the calculation. I want to continue/restart the previous CP2K run
> at the timestep and with parameters of the terminition timestep. i have
> tried it with
> RESTART_FILE_NAME myproject-1.restart
> &END
> Desired result as example:
> Run 1: timestep 1-50
> Run 2: timestep 51-100
> Recieved results: (files appended)
> Run 1: timestep 1-50
> Run 2: timestep 1-50
> all results written in one Wannier-file "".
> I guess that the "" file is restarted each time at
> timestep 1. (compare timestep 1 of each Run)
> Is there any possibility to get a restart as desired?
> I have tried the same with FIRST_SNAPSHOT in section MOTION/MD/REFTRAJ too,
> or tried to handle it with RESTART_COUNTERS in section EXT_RESTART,
> but everytime i recieved the same output in the wannier-file. (files
> appended)
> All my Input-files are appended!
> Hope to get help.
> Regards,
> Tobias Lechner
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