DFT+U dE[U]/dP(i,j)

Matthias Krack matthia... at psi.ch
Mon Feb 9 18:35:13 UTC 2015

Dear Marco,

just check Eqs. 5 and 6 of Dudarev et al. PRB 57(3), 1505 (1998). Please, 
note the Kronecker delta in Eq 6.

Best regards,


On Monday, 9 February 2015 19:02:24 UTC+1, Marco wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry about this simple question but I was hoping someone could explain to 
> me how the potential is calculated in the DFT+U Mulliken method.
> In lines 1379-1383 of the dft_plus_u.f90 file, the potential dE[U]/dP(i,j) 
> is defined as:
> IF (isgf == jsgf) THEN
>   v_block(isgf,isgf) = u_minus_j*(0.5_dp - fspin*q_matrix(i,i))
>   v_block(isgf,jsgf) = -u_minus_j*fspin*q_matrix(j,i)
> Why is the v_block(isgf,jsgf) not defined as:
> v_block(isgf,jsgf) = u_minus_j*(0.5_dp - fspin*q_matrix(j,i))
> Best regards,
> Marco
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