[CP2K:7212] Re: drastic change in pressure on changing smoothing

Matt W MattWa... at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 12:57:18 UTC 2015

Maybe someone else will chip in.

25 KPa is not a large pressure for a 64 mol box, I don't think. 

Checking how it changes with cutoff would still look more convincing (and 
check use finer grid is working correctly).


On Friday, December 4, 2015 at 12:48:41 PM UTC, Bernd Ensing wrote:
> Dear Matt,
> Thank you for your reply.
> We are comparing here two straightforward NVT runs (not NPT) of 64 water 
> molecules in a box of 12.43 A. Without XC_SMOOTH_RHO, the average pressure 
> is about zero Pa, instead with XC_SMOOTH_RHO the average pressure is 
> about -25000 Pa. 
> A third simulation using USE_FINER_GRID gives also about zero pressure 
> (plus or minus a thousand).
> My guess is that there is a bug in the calculation of the XC part of the 
> pressure tensor when using XC_SMOOTH_RHO. And it seems to me that it does 
> not affect the forces in general, because dynamic properties such as the 
> mean square displacement come out reasonable and only the pressure is 
> dramatically affected. 
> best wishes,
> Bernd
> On 4 Dec, 2015, at 13:01 , Matt W <Matt... at gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> running NPT calculations are not straightforward. The stress tensor needs 
> to be reasonably converged wrt the cutoff to get reliable results. The 
> cutoff to converge the stress tensor might be much larger than for reliable 
> forces.
> Matt
> On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 5:00:18 PM UTC, Bernd Ensing wrote:
>> Dear cp2k developers,
>> Is it known whether there is a bug in the calculation of the pressure 
>> tensor when using XC_SMOOTH_RHO NN10?
>> Using this smoothing option results in very negative pressures for a 
>> typical system containing 64 water molecules (see message below of Ambuj 
>> Tiwari).
>> Does this strange behaviour also affect the forces on the atoms in 
>> general?
>> Many thanks in advance for your comments.
>> best wishes,
>> Bernd Ensing
>> Op woensdag 25 november 2015 13:49:36 UTC+1 schreef Ambuj Tiwari:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am running a NVT MD simulation on bulkwater(64 water molecules) . The 
>>> problem is related to pressure calculation. 
>>> I was calculating the pressure for the system and found highly negative 
>>> values(in order of -25000) and then I switched all the parameters one by 
>>> one and eventually found out that on changing smoothing from XC_SMOOTH_RHO 
>>> NN10 to USE_FINER_GRID it came down to less negative values(-5000). Is this 
>>> some kind of bug in the program or more fundamental problem.
>>> I am attaching the input file and bottom of .ener .stress file here.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ambuj
>>> *'input file 1'*
>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car%E2%80%93Parrinello_molecular_dynamics#cite_note-3>
>>>     &XC
>>>       &VDW_POTENTIAL
>>>          &PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>             TYPE DFTD3
>>>             PARAMETER_FILE_NAME /home/ensing/BASIS_SET/dftd3.dat
>>>          &END PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>       &XC_GRID
>>>       &END XC_GRID
>>>     &END XC
>>> *'input file 2'*
>>>    &XC
>>>       &VDW_POTENTIAL
>>>          &PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>             TYPE DFTD3
>>>             PARAMETER_FILE_NAME /home/ensing/BASIS_SET/dftd3.dat
>>>          &END PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>       &XC_GRID
>>> *      USE_FINER_GRID *
>>>       &END XC_GRID
>>>     &END XC
>>> *'*.ener 1'*
>>> *    163298        81649.000000         0.295424393       
>>> 325.610938118     -1101.039478079     -1100.781654417        
>>> 22.112000000    163299        81649.500000         0.294462120       
>>> 324.550339188     -1101.039370784     -1100.781669902        
>>> 22.078000000    163300        81650.000000         0.294961268       
>>> 325.100490947     -1101.040473093     -1100.781725319        
>>> 25.159000000    163301        81650.500000         0.296162908       
>>> 326.424914893     -1101.042161493     -1100.781750771        
>>> 22.115700000    163302        81651.000000         0.298814382       
>>> 329.347317264     -1101.044236790     -1100.781694623        
>>> 22.139200000    163303        81651.500000         0.301128239       
>>> 331.897603891     -1101.047561646     -1100.781602129        
>>> 24.739700000    163304        81652.000000         0.307044448       
>>> 338.418332848     -1101.053434140     -1100.781587012        
>>> 24.682400000    163305        81652.500000         0.316425516       
>>> 348.757961573     -1101.061982016     -1100.781699977        
>>> 22.044200000    163306        81653.000000         0.327014965       
>>> 360.429442967     -1101.071396202     -1100.781872287        22.101900000*
>>> *'*.ener 2'        91           45.500000         0.316250053       
>>> 348.564569099     -1102.663360533     -1102.332927916        
>>> 65.288200000        92           46.000000         0.315037265       
>>> 347.227857880     -1102.661696314     -1102.332913105        
>>> 65.190400000        93           46.500000         0.314019534       
>>> 346.106135819     -1102.660798344     -1102.332914267        
>>> 65.276700000        94           47.000000         0.314010873       
>>> 346.096588928     -1102.660760313     -1102.332937169        
>>> 65.315200000        95           47.500000         0.315000947       
>>> 347.187829574     -1102.661384548     -1102.332972600        
>>> 65.163300000        96           48.000000         0.315886554       
>>> 348.163928325     -1102.662099658     -1102.333054612        
>>> 65.248800000        97           48.500000         0.315298803       
>>> 347.516120600     -1102.661788013     -1102.333132240        
>>> 65.120100000        98           49.000000         0.313543746       
>>> 345.581730970     -1102.659461626     -1102.333136220        
>>> 65.202000000        99           49.500000         0.309178417       
>>> 340.770351269     -1102.655147713     -1102.333068024        
>>> 63.328600000       100           50.000000         0.304077471       
>>> 335.148189283     -1102.649908792     -1102.332978856        
>>> 64.191200000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
>>> '*.stress 1'*
>>>     163294   81647.000   -23587.6933211956     2342.2050511699    
>>> -2620.1253216644     2342.2050511699   -23228.0050606190     
>>> 3414.1775796133    -2620.1253216644     3414.1775796133   -20169.0313283565
>>>   163295   81647.500   -22389.3419955310     1849.7028598497    
>>> -2508.5434330934     1849.7028598497   -24356.6599768539     
>>> 2800.7048436858    -2508.5434330934     2800.7048436858   -22725.6161101663
>>>   163296   81648.000   -21214.9735696668     1148.0699336617    
>>> -2218.3871712667     1148.0699336617   -25144.9624318558     
>>> 1975.3590510643    -2218.3871712667     1975.3590510643   -24795.3384458679
>>>   163297   81648.500   -20309.0216433928      302.8654094409    
>>> -1803.1704603762      302.8654094409   -25394.9473522949      
>>> 996.8049404043    -1803.1704603762      996.8049404043   -26162.6367896449
>>>   163298   81649.000   -19855.8176878975     -598.7972734722    
>>> -1300.5824885129     -598.7972734722   -24999.8852946563      
>>> -79.5868061270    -1300.5824885129      -79.5868061270   -26686.2571452786
>>>   163299   81649.500   -19956.2226579495    -1461.2946422884     
>>> -742.0897491587    -1461.2946422884   -24019.8747323228    
>>> -1206.1348202948     -742.0897491587    -1206.1348202948   -26376.7375359960
>>>   163300   81650.000   -20534.1679738551    -2200.5578986806     
>>> -164.8658164621    -2200.5578986806   -22584.1267162156    
>>> -2322.5467222548     -164.8658164621    -2322.5467222548   -25268.9877352706
>>>   163301   81650.500   -21452.3785466678    -2746.9001879179      
>>> 376.2080784084    -2746.9001879179   -20951.8376784856    
>>> -3338.3737161118      376.2080784084    -3338.3737161118   -23492.0302819538
>>> *'*.stress 2'*
>>>       83      41.500    14620.6789775920     1631.8725215074     
>>> 2233.0775150043     1631.8725215074     6922.5364171994     
>>> 1568.9298877547     2233.0775150043     1568.9298877547     4863.0813795099
>>>       84      42.000    13465.9504463874     1646.6798565162     
>>> 1742.3968878509     1646.6798565162     7528.7642280447     
>>> 1356.1689695128     1742.3968878509     1356.1689695128     3678.0979512013
>>>       85      42.500    11929.6829243335     1557.1878823967     
>>> 1189.8285351507     1557.1878823967     7536.6702267556      
>>> 906.2538614813     1189.8285351507      906.2538614813     2706.1024195638
>>>       86      43.000    10242.7023865733     1377.0907756499      
>>> 607.2431768383     1377.0907756499     6953.6306436901      
>>> 280.8453243292      607.2431768383      280.8453243292     2111.5249630222
>>>       87      43.500     8704.9333307887     1111.3766575987       
>>> 27.5775490784     1111.3766575987     5939.0119410377     
>>> -388.5800033232       27.5775490784     -388.5800033232     2026.3208988151
>>>       88      44.000     7481.3245836153      770.0630298266     
>>> -494.3356330308      770.0630298266     4626.9158749281     
>>> -951.4354212867     -494.3356330308     -951.4354212867     2390.6634657579
>>>       89      44.500     6663.8847520724      360.1790480556     
>>> -890.4213349779      360.1790480556     3225.2634082928    
>>> -1279.9170414956     -890.4213349779    -1279.9170414956     3064.5349399335
>>>       90      45.000     6254.7640395386     -100.7086327357    
>>> -1091.1835737339     -100.7086327357     1954.1849838233    
>>> -1309.6032354774    -1091.1835737339    -1309.6032354774     3839.7803365830
>>>       91      45.500     6155.5011736691     -574.1695321638    
>>> -1051.6467240489     -574.1695321638      957.4978282879    
>>> -1053.9528084102    -1051.6467240489    -1053.9528084102     4443.4869908843
>>>       92      46.000     6285.5912946027    -1016.5428590808     
>>> -783.4044479712    -1016.5428590808      376.4627244754     
>>> -574.9649194818     -783.4044479712     -574.9649194818     4722.8910330993
>>>       93      46.500     6504.7623119346    -1380.8418795540     
>>> -361.7805767782    -1380.8418795540      216.2588001339       
>>> 37.9199806709     -361.7805767782       37.9199806709     4578.5854391507
>>>       94      47.000     6695.7329680208    -1630.3118660115       
>>> 95.8727981760    -1630.3118660115      437.0880477724      
>>> 702.9749077441       95.8727981760      702.9749077441     4059.5915440691
>>> Thanks in advance!
> -- 
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