Calculate MSDs during MD run

Johannes Wagner joh... at
Mon Aug 3 12:22:33 UTC 2015

Hi Marcella,

I figured that, finding
under &MSD

however the error remains the same.
What format do both, the REF0 and the trajectory, need to have? both are 
XMOL in my case, one containing the entire trajectory, the other only the 
first step
like this
      Cryst x
 i =        0, time =        0.000, E =       -16.1066791009
  O         4.4494725764        0.8609855793        6.0981987308
  O         3.8029095709        2.7229831166        4.5699381898
  O         4.0118989226        2.7023681308        1.2194938263
  O         6.0462348498        3.2953089592        5.9203028333
  O         3.2241009956        5.5031225318        4.3400008035

Am Montag, 3. August 2015 11:23:12 UTC+2 schrieb Marcella Iannuzzi:
> Hi
> The MSD calculation with REFTRAJ needs a 
> Reference coordinates file
> Regards
> Marcella 
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