Regression test issues

Justin Oelgoetz joel... at
Tue Oct 7 14:07:22 UTC 2014


I recently downloaded cp2k v2.5.1, and after compiling I began using
the regression tests in an effort to "test" all the sections of the
code (my goal here was to find segfaults and crazzy answers, I know
there is no data in the tarball to compare to).  Everything seems to
run (I have not done the sanity checks) except "H2_KG-1.inp", and
"H2_KG-2.inp" which take an inordinate amount of time to run.  I upped
the amount of time allowed by the regression script to 10800
(seconds?) and these two input files still report "KILLED".

Any thoughts or suggestions for things I should look into?

Justin Oelgoetz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Interim Chair
Department of Physics and Astronomy

XSEDE Campus Champion

Austin Peay State University
PO Box 4608
Clarksville, TN 37044

Office: SSC: B321

Phone: (931)221-6158
Fax:   (931)221-6129
oelg... at

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