[CP2K:4460] neb : question about the number of scf optimizations for each band step for each replica
wolf... at gmail.com
Mon May 26 06:30:41 UTC 2014
Dear All,
I am facing with the similar questions.
In my calculations, if I used NO_LS, the results seem more reasonable (the
total energy of each image converged). I want to know if there is some
disadvantageous consequence of using NO_LS in a NEB calculation
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
在 2013年5月21日星期二UTC+8上午1时52分23秒,afloris写道:
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Teodoro Laino <teod... at gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> DIIS performs a LS - what you see is the result of the line search.
>> Use NO_LS<http://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/CP2K_INPUT/MOTION/BAND/OPTIMIZE_BAND/DIIS.html#list_NO_LS> if
>> you don't like that.
> What are the consequences of using NO_LS in a NEB calculation? Using NO_LS
> would result in a single optimization of the image
> (per band step) and (maybe separate issue) no electronic optimization at
> all for "fixed" images?
> I am just running a test, with 3-5 replica only. I see quite a strong
> dependence on the K_SPRING constant if I vary it from 0.05 to 0.02
> (the barrier decreases of about 0.05eV and the path is different).
> Is is correct to expect a much reduced variation of the barrier with
> K_SPRING, if the number of
> images is increased, e.g. to 10-15? Which distance is typically OK between
> adiacent images, 0.5 A?
> Thank you for your help
> Best
> Andrea
>> Moreover, I have no idea if this is a production run or simply a test,
>> but you want to keep the distance between your replica much smaller than
>> 3.0+ Angstrom.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Teo
> On May 20, 2013, at 1:14 PM, Andrea Floris <an.... at gmail.com<javascript:>>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Teo,
>> I attach the input and output and all relevant files.
>> My problem is in the BAND* files , whose number is indeed equal to the
>> number of replica (three in my case).
>> If you in one of these files (prefix is neba) do
>> grep -i 'Band Step Nr.' neba-BAND1.out
>> you have as output something like
>> ...
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 13
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 13
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 13
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 13
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 13
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 14
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 14
>> **
>> ** Band Step Nr. : 14
>> **
>> ...
>> so, e.g. 5 optimizations (but geometrical or purely electronic scf???) in
>> the band step 13, and 3 in the band step 14...
>> That's the point I don't understand...
>> Moreover, I also do not understand why this is done *also* for the end
>> points, when you choose to not optimize
>> the initial and final replica...For example in my case here replica 1 was
>> fixed. In fact in the
>> neba-1.ener
>> file, the energy of replica 1 is fixed, i.e. it has always the same
>> energy through the band optimization steps. But in the file neba-BAND1.out
>> many total energies are found...
>> one for each scf optimization.
>> Thanks in advance for you answer,
>> Best
>> Andrea
>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Teodoro Laino <teod... at gmail.com<javascript:>
>> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> 1. why more than one scf optimization is performed? (every
>>> optimization being achieved with ~40 scf steps)
>>> > it depends on how many processors you are using and how many
>>> processors per replica you requested. On the top of that, the number of scf
>>> optimisations depends also on the type of optimiser you are using.
>>> > Again without an input is almost useless to cover all possible things
>>> you may see.
>>> Correction: forget about the parallel setup - you should always have a
>>> number of BAND* files equal to the number of frames of your NEB.
>>> So not sure at all what you are seeing… (probably it is only the output
>>> of the OUTER_SCF cycle)
>>> In any case, without input..
>>> >
>>> >> 2. Are these purely electronic optimizations, or there is a
>>> geometrical minimization involved?
>>> > the geometry optimisation steps are not shown in the *BAND* output
>>> >
>>> > Regards
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>> Dr Andrea Floris
>> Research Associate
>> King's College London
>> Strand, London WC2R 2LS
>> United Kingdom
>> Phone: +44 (0) 207 848 2064
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>> <neb_test_3replicas.tgz>
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> --
> Dr Andrea Floris
> Research Associate
> King's College London
> Strand, London WC2R 2LS
> United Kingdom
> Phone: +44 (0) 207 848 2064
> Fax : +44 (0) 207 848 2420
> Location: Strand Building, 4th floor, Room 4.02
> Emails: andr... at kcl.ac.uk <javascript:>, an.... at gmail.com<javascript:>
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