CUDA error while testing

Дмитрий Фомичев xomac... at
Wed May 21 17:13:39 UTC 2014


I've encountered a problem while doing regtest of cp2k.
All test jobs finished with RUNTIME ERROR. In output files I found error 
like this:

16823 CUDA RT Error line 214
16823 CUDA RT1 Error: invalid configuration argument
16823 CUDA RT2 Error: no error
16823 Free: 403993088 , Total: 536543232

My system:
OS: Linux 3.14.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT x86_64 GNU/Linux
Video: NVIDIA Corporation GT215 [GeForce GT 240] (rev a2) with shader model 
CUDA version: release 6.0, V6.0.1
MPI: (Open MPI) 1.8.1

Also I've modified Makefile to disable libcussm compilation while other 
CUDA stuff kept enabled (highlighted green):

ifneq ($(NVCC),)
  LIBNV_ARCHIVE= $(LIBDIR)/$(VERSION)/libcp2k_cuda.a
  LIB2CUDA_ARCHIVE = $(LIBDIR)/$(VERSION)/libdbcsr_cuda.a

Output example and architecture file attached to this message.

I hope for your help!
Thank you!
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