[CP2K:4964] Problem with MPI and CP2k

Iain Bethune ibet... at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Wed Feb 19 15:03:05 UTC 2014

Hi Martin,

I believe the cause is that the preprocessor define -D__PARALLEL is case sensitive and should be -D__parallel .


- Iain


Iain Bethune
Project Manager, EPCC

Email: ibet... at epcc.ed.ac.uk
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On 19 Feb 2014, at 14:35, M. Brehm <brehmin... at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> currently, I am trying to get a parallel CP2k to run on the cluster of my new institution. I have some experience in compiling MPI-parallelized CP2k. On some other clusters before (and on my local machine) it always worked fine. But now I am facing a problem, and am out of ideas how to solve it. Your suggestions are appreciated.
> The compilation itself works fine (GCC 4.7.1, OpenMPI, OpenBLAS, Scalapack, Libint, LibXC, FFTW3). Executing a single process via "mpirun cp2k.popt" also works fine. All regtests are passed.
> But if I specify "mpirun -np 2 cp2k.popt" (or more than 2), it seems that mpirun spawns independent CP2k processes, which do not see or know each other. All output is written multiple times to stdout, and CP2k says: "GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes    1", which is wrong, because there are several processes. Then, of course, it crashes, because of this inconsistency. (The crash is "err=-300 sum of local cols not equal global colscp_fm_struct.F")
> I tried many things to fix this. Our cluster has the module system, so I loaded all different MPI distributions which were available (OpenMPI in several versions, MPICH2 in several versions, Intel MPI). The MPI versions match the compiler I am using (all compiled with GCC 4.7.1). The result is always exactly the same like described above. I also tried to compile an own version of OpenMPI, but still the result is the same.
> I wrote a small MPI test program, which just prints the number of total MPI processes on the screen. This works fine! Other MPI-parallelized programs are working as well. The Scalapack library has some test executables - those also run fine in parallel, and show a nice scaling behavior. This error only occurs in conjunction with CP2k.
> Do you have any hints on the cause for this error? Any help is appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Martin
> P.S.: The makefile I used:
> CC         = mpicc
> CPP        =
> FC         = mpif90
> LD         = mpif90
> AR         = ar -r
> FCFLAGS  = -O3 -march=native -ffast-math -funroll-loops -g -ffree-form -I/home/brehmm/CP2k/fftw_3.3.3/include $(DFLAGS)
> LDFLAGS  = $(FCFLAGS)  -static-libgfortran
> LIBS     = libderiv.a libint.a -lstdc++ libfftw3.a libscalapack.a libopenblas.a libxc.a
> -- 
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