help to plotting data of coherent X-ray diffraction spectrum

Matthias Krack matthia... at
Tue Apr 8 11:45:01 UTC 2014


for q vs I(q), ie. q vector vs coherent X-ray scattering intensity, use the 
3rd and the 4th column labeled with q [1/A] and <|F(q)|^2>, respectively. 
Any 2d plotting software (e.g. gnuplot, xmgrace etc.) should be able to do 
this job.

Best regards,


On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 1:33:09 PM UTC+2, roben nano wrote:
> hello ,
> I want to plot a file "*H2O-**xrd-xrdess-xrd-1_0.dat*" file obtained by *Calculate 
> and print the coherent X-ray diffraction spectrum*
> I found these columns:
> # Q shell items [1 / A]    <| F (q) | ^ 2>    Min (| F (q) |)    Max (| F 
> (q) |)    <| F (q) |> ^ 2     <| F (q) | ^ 4>
> which of these column I can plotting ?
> what is the  software that can do this plotting?
> my regards 
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