[CP2K:5127] question

Petko Petkov oh... at chem.uni-sofia.bg
Wed Apr 2 16:05:21 UTC 2014

Hi , just find the path to the dftd3.dat file and specify it in VDW sectrion 
in your input file. Something  like :
           TYPE  DFTD3
           PARAMETER_FILE_NAME /cp2k/trunk/cp2k/tests/QS/dftd3.dat

I have this file in one of the test folders 
You can copy this file to your working dir, than you do not need to give any 
path to this file. That's it !

good luck!


Assist. Prof. Dr. Petko St. Petkov  

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy 

University of Sofia  

1126 Sofia, Bulgaria  

tel: +359 2 8161 433

website: http://computationalcatalysis.eu 


-----Original Message-----

From: ADIL <adil.e... at gmail.com>

To: cp... at googlegroups.com

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 08:53:27 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: [CP2K:5127] question

Hi, I have a topic of ab initio simulation of ZnO zinc blend structure and 
I'm in a first cell optimizer, after compilation from errors I have a 
message of the form: ERROR in open_file (MODULE cp_files) ** * 

  OLD *** The specified file <./DFTD3.DAT> can not be opened. It Does not 
  *** Exist. ""
                and I did not manage to know the problem


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