Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor 1 Teraflop performance

Alfio Lazzaro alaz... at
Fri Jan 25 10:32:39 UTC 2013

Hello Samuel,
there is an activity ongoing to port CP2K on the Intel Xeon Phi (people 
from CRAY, CSCS, Intel).
An initial version of the code should be ready soon (~1 month).
there are several things to tune...

Are you sure you can put this card on a Mac Pro?
I don't know if Intel will support it (Intel Xeon Phi is an HPC card).


Il giorno giovedì 24 gennaio 2013 16:55:07 UTC+1, Samuel Lamphier ha 
> Hello all, 
> A friend of mine forwarded this link concerning a new Coprocessor with a 
> potential of 1 Teraflop of performance. However since this brand new, I am 
> trying to get a feel for how it might work with cp2k, if it can work at 
> all. We would be trying to put it into a Mac Pro.
> Any input/information would be appreciated.
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