Extended deadlines - Psi-k Summer School on Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics for Biomolecules

l.gu... at gmail.com l.gu... at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 10:23:12 UTC 2013

*Extended deadline for application to fellowships:  29th April*
Psi-k Summer School on Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics for Biomolecules
to take place in Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Italy, 9-14 June 2013.

The objective of this summer school is to introduce young researchers (PhD 
and postdocs) to the use of ab initio molecular dynamics for the study of 
biological systems. It will provide a practical guide on how to set up an 
ab initio study of a biomolecule starting from available experimental 
structures, within hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics schemes, 
based on density functional theory (DFT). An important part of the School 
will be devoted to the calculation of spectroscopic properties and to the 
common success and drawbacks of DFT in the specific case of biological 
matter. Moreover, the participation of experimental experts in structural 
biology and biomolecular spectroscopy will provide an overview of open 
problems in the field and on the relationships between experimental data 
and computational approaches. A combination of theory, computer 
implementation, test cases and successful state-of-the-art applications 
will be presented, complemented by practical simulation sessions.

Further information and the list of lecturers and topics can be found on 
the school website

The deadline for registration and poster abstract submission is 12th May 
The number of participants is limited to about 30 students. Accepted 
participants will be notified by 15th May 2013. 
A limited number of fellowships are available to fully cover the 
accommodation and food costs for the participants. The deadline for 
fellowship applications is 29th April 2013.

The organizers

Leonardo Guidoni
Carla Molteni
Daniele Varsano
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