[CP2K:4134] installation error for intel mkl: can not find libblacs.a
Sandeep Kumar Reddy
kuma... at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 09:22:30 UTC 2012
Just now, I realized that you are using mpif90 which by default uses
gfortran, not ifort. If it is not what you wanted, you
can use mpiifort which uses ifort.
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Riping Wang <wang.ri... at gmail.com>wrote:
> Dear Sandeep,
> I followed you instruction to install fftw3xf and active the LIB
> -lfftw3xf_intel.
> It is working now.
> Thank you very much for all the help.
> Again I appened the new input as bellow.
> WANG Riping
> 2012.10.30
> A workable input file for installation with ifort+intel_mkl+mpich2:
> ##############################
> #################################
> INTEL_MKL =/opt/intel/mkl
> INTEL_INC = $(INTEL_MKL)/include/fftw
> INTEL_LIB = $(INTEL_MKL)/lib/intel64
> CC = cc
> CPP =
> FC = mpif90
> LD = mpif90
> AR = ar -r
> -D__FFTW3
> FCFLAGS = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O3 -xW -heap-arrays 64 -funroll-loops
> -fpp -free
> FCFLAGS2 = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O1 -xW -heap-arrays 64 -fpp -free
> LIBS = -L$(INTEL_LIB) $(INTEL_LIB)/libmkl_blas95_lp64.a
> $(INTEL_LIB)/libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a \
> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm -lfftw3xf_intel
> OBJECTS_ARCHITECTURE = machine_intel.o
> graphcon.o: graphcon.F
> $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<
> ###############################################################
> On 30 October 2012 17:07, Sandeep Kumar Reddy <kuma... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You need to install -lfftw3xf_intel library.
>> please go to $MKL_ROOT/interfaces/fftw3xf
>> then type : make libintel64 compiler=intel
>> It will create a library libfftw3xf_intel.a. Please link this to
>> $MKL_ROOT/lib/intel64
>> That's all. Recompile the code. you will get the executable.
>> Note: As many people say, successful compilation doesn't mean you have
>> the correct executable. You should run test files and check.
>> Wishes,
>> Sandeep
>> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Riping Wang <wang.ri... at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Dear Sandeep,
>>> Following your instructions, I succeed to install cp2k with intel mkl.
>>> I am very happy. Thank you very much to you.
>>> One small issue:
>>> I commented out -lfftw3xf_intel you told me for LIB,
>>> otherwise error occur as it can not find fftw3.
>>> When I commented it out, the installation goes well.
>>> Maybe this is due to the version of mkl.
>>> Mine is l_mkl_11.0.1.117.
>>> I appended the input for installation bellow, as a workable example.
>>> Yours
>>> WANG Riping
>>> 2012.10.30
>>> A workable input file for installation with ifort+intel_mkl+mpich2:
>>> ###############################################################
>>> INTEL_MKL =/opt/intel/mkl
>>> INTEL_INC = $(INTEL_MKL)/include/fftw
>>> INTEL_LIB = $(INTEL_MKL)/lib/intel64
>>> CC = cc
>>> CPP =
>>> FC = mpif90
>>> LD = mpif90
>>> AR = ar -r
>>> -D__FFTW3
>>> FCFLAGS = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O3 -xW -heap-arrays 64
>>> -funroll-loops -fpp -free
>>> FCFLAGS2 = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O1 -xW -heap-arrays 64 -fpp -free
>>> LIBS = -L$(INTEL_LIB) $(INTEL_LIB)/libmkl_blas95_lp64.a
>>> $(INTEL_LIB)/libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a \
>>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
>>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm #-lfftw3xf_intel
>>> OBJECTS_ARCHITECTURE = machine_intel.o
>>> graphcon.o: graphcon.F
>>> $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<
>>> ###############################################################
>>> On 29 October 2012 19:58, Sandeep Kumar Reddy <kuma... at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> You need to replace the names in arch file with names present in
>>>> intel mkl directory.
>>>> Like,
>>>> LIBS = -L$(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64
>>>> $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_blas95_lp64.a
>>>> $(MKLROOT)/lib/intel64/libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a \
>>>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
>>>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm -lfftw3xf_intel
>>>> Wishes,
>>>> Sandeep
>>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Riping Wang <wang.ri... at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Dear Forum,
>>>>> I am installing cp2k: the parallel version popt with mpich2-1.5 and
>>>>> intel mkl.
>>>>> with command"make -j 12 ARCH=Linux-x86-64-intel VERSION=popt"
>>>>> But it can not find some lib, with error reports:
>>>>> '''
>>>>> ...
>>>>> ifort: command line remark #10279: option '-xW' is deprecated and will
>>>>> be removed in a future release. See '-help deprecated'
>>>>> ifort: error #10236: File not found:
>>>>> '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libscalapack.a'
>>>>> ifort: error #10236: File not found:
>>>>> '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libblacs_init.a'
>>>>> ifort: error #10236: File not found:
>>>>> '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libblacs.a'
>>>>> ifort: error #10236: File not found:
>>>>> '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libacml.a'
>>>>> ifort: error #10236: File not found:
>>>>> '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libacml_mv.a'
>>>>> ifort: error #10236: File not found:
>>>>> '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libfftw3.a'
>>>>> '''
>>>>> The content of installation file Linux-x86-64-intel.popt is appended
>>>>> bellow.
>>>>> I only add three lines on to the original file downloaded from web,
>>>>> without change anything else.
>>>>> These three lines are:
>>>>> '''
>>>>> INTEL_MKL =/opt/intel/mkl
>>>>> INTEL_INC = $(INTEL_MKL)/include/fftw
>>>>> INTEL_LIB = $(INTEL_MKL)/lib/intel64
>>>>> '''
>>>>> I can not find files of libblacs_init.a, libscalapack.a and others
>>>>> on the directory of $INTEL_LIB (/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/) on my
>>>>> machine.
>>>>> Instead, I find libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64.a,
>>>>> libmkl_scalapack_ilp64.a and
>>>>> some others with name slight different.
>>>>> I also attached the name of all the file contained in this $INTEL_LIB
>>>>> directory.
>>>>> Any one could give hints.
>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>> WANG Riping
>>>>> 2012.10.29
>>>>> content in installation file Linux-x86-64-intel.popt:
>>>>> ######################################################################################################
>>>>> # by default some intel compilers put temporaries on the stack
>>>>> # this might lead to segmentation faults is the stack limit is set to
>>>>> low
>>>>> # stack limits can be increased by sysadmins or e.g with ulimit -s
>>>>> 256000
>>>>> # furthermore new ifort (10.0?) compilers support the option
>>>>> # -heap-arrays 64
>>>>> # add this to the compilation flags is the other options do not work
>>>>> # The following settings worked for:
>>>>> # - AMD64 Opteron
>>>>> # - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0 (x86_64)
>>>>> # - Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for Intel(R) EM64T-based applications,
>>>>> Version 10.0.025
>>>>> # - AMD acml library version 3.6.0
>>>>> # - MPICH2-1.0.5p4
>>>>> # - SCALAPACK library 1.8.0
>>>>> #
>>>>> #
>>>>> INTEL_MKL =/opt/intel/mkl
>>>>> INTEL_INC = $(INTEL_MKL)/include/fftw
>>>>> INTEL_LIB = $(INTEL_MKL)/lib/intel64
>>>>> CC = cc
>>>>> CPP =
>>>>> FC = mpif90
>>>>> LD = mpif90
>>>>> AR = ar -r
>>>>> DFLAGS = -D__INTEL -D__FFTSG -D__parallel -D__BLACS -D__SCALAPACK
>>>>> -D__FFTW3
>>>>> CPPFLAGS =
>>>>> FCFLAGS = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O3 -xW -heap-arrays 64
>>>>> -funroll-loops -fpp -free
>>>>> FCFLAGS2 = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O1 -xW -heap-arrays 64 -fpp -free
>>>>> LIBS = $(INTEL_LIB)/libscalapack.a \
>>>>> $(INTEL_LIB)/libblacs_init.a \
>>>>> $(INTEL_LIB)/libblacs.a \
>>>>> $(INTEL_LIB)/libacml.a\
>>>>> $(INTEL_LIB)/libacml_mv.a \
>>>>> $(INTEL_LIB)/libfftw3.a
>>>>> OBJECTS_ARCHITECTURE = machine_intel.o
>>>>> graphcon.o: graphcon.F
>>>>> $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<
>>>>> ######################################################################################################
>>>>> files in INTEL_LIB (/opt/intel/mkl//lib/intel64):
>>>>> #################################################################################
>>>>> libmkl_avx2.so
>>>>> libmkl_avx.so
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_openmpi_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_sgimpt_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blacs_sgimpt_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blas95_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_blas95_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_cdft_core.a
>>>>> libmkl_cdft_core.so
>>>>> libmkl_core.a
>>>>> libmkl_core.so
>>>>> libmkl_def.so
>>>>> libmkl_gf_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_gf_ilp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_gf_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_gf_lp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_gnu_thread.a
>>>>> libmkl_gnu_thread.so
>>>>> libmkl_intel_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_intel_ilp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_intel_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_intel_lp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_intel_sp2dp.a
>>>>> libmkl_intel_sp2dp.so
>>>>> libmkl_intel_thread.a
>>>>> libmkl_intel_thread.so
>>>>> libmkl_lapack95_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_mc3.so
>>>>> libmkl_mc.so
>>>>> libmkl_p4n.so
>>>>> libmkl_pgi_thread.a
>>>>> libmkl_pgi_thread.so
>>>>> libmkl_rt.so
>>>>> libmkl_scalapack_ilp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_scalapack_ilp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a
>>>>> libmkl_scalapack_lp64.so
>>>>> libmkl_sequential.a
>>>>> libmkl_sequential.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_avx2.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_avx.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_cmpt.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_def.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_mc2.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_mc3.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_mc.so
>>>>> libmkl_vml_p4n.so
>>>>> locale
>>>>> #################################################################################
>>>>> --
>>>>> ******************************************************************************
>>>>> WANG Riping
>>>>> Ph.D student,
>>>>> Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior,Okayama University,
>>>>> 827 Yamada, Misasa, Tottori-ken 682-0193, Japan
>>>>> Tel: +81-858-43-3739(Office), +81-858-43-1215(Inst)
>>>>> E-mail: wang.ri... at gmail.com
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>>> ******************************************************************************
>>> WANG Riping
>>> Ph.D student,
>>> Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior,Okayama University,
>>> 827 Yamada, Misasa, Tottori-ken 682-0193, Japan
>>> Tel: +81-858-43-3739(Office), +81-858-43-1215(Inst)
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> ******************************************************************************
> WANG Riping
> Ph.D student,
> Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior,Okayama University,
> 827 Yamada, Misasa, Tottori-ken 682-0193, Japan
> Tel: +81-858-43-3739(Office), +81-858-43-1215(Inst)
> E-mail: wang.ri... at gmail.com
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