Memory Issue QMMM Cray XE6

marco.stenta marco.... at
Thu Jan 26 14:36:20 UTC 2012

I have a memory issue when running QM/MM-MD on a Cray XE6 machine (our
dear rosa at CSCS, 16-core AMD Opteron 6272 2.1 GHz Interlagos
I did not do the compilation myself but infer it is gfortran (if you
need I can ask the SA for more info)
Below I attach both input and output (sorry: it is super long but I
cannot attach zip files).
The system used to run smoothly on an IBM-SP6 machine (SP6 at CINECA).

On the Cray the job crashes while in the QM/MM module. the last thing
it prints is
 QMMM| QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential

and then:
Application 347501 exit signals: Killed
Application 347501 resources: utime ~8s, stime ~0s

I use 128 MP processes.
Now on the Cray if I create 128 tasks and use 32 tasks per node (fully
packed nodes) the job crashes the very first time it performs the QMMM
If, instead, I use half the tasks per node (16 out of a max of 32),
thus leaving half node empty, but still use 128 tasks, the job goes on
for a couple of cycles and then it crashes at the same time.

With 256 tasks with fully packed nodes It crashes, but when I leave
node half empty (16 tasks per node) it goes on for a while.

Did any one experience something like that? I've seen in the forum
some option to reduce the memory consumption and I used some of them
to no avail.

Would a different compilation solve the problem? Can you tell me which
libraries could be critical for this issue (if all is OK in the
input)? Would in your opinion a MPI-openMP solve the problem?

Thank you very much in advance

@SET NSTEPS                        500000
@SET SOLNAME                       MOL69
@SET QMCHARGE                      -1
@SET QMPOISSON                     MT

@SET FREQ                          1
@INCLUDE                           ../data/

  PRINT_LEVEL                      LOW
  PROJECT                          system
  PROGRAM                          CP2K
  RUN_TYPE                         MD
  WALLTIME                         82800

    ENSEMBLE                       NVT
    STEPS                          ${NSTEPS}
    TIMESTEP                       0.50
    TEMPERATURE                    300.0
      TYPE                         CSVR
      REGION                       DEFINED
        MM_SUBSYS                  ATOMIC
        QM_SUBSYS                  ATOMIC
        TIMECON                    50
      &END CSVR
      FORCE_LAST           T
          MD                       1
        &END EACH
        FILENAME                   =system.ene
    &TRAJECTORY                    SILENT
        MD                         ${FREQ}
      &END EACH
      FILENAME                     =system.dcd
      FORMAT                       DCD
    &VELOCITIES                    OFF
        MD                         ${FREQ}
      &END EACH
      FILENAME                     =system.vel
        MD                         ${FREQ}
      &END EACH
      FILENAME                     =system.for.DCD
      FORMAT                       DCD
    &RESTART_HISTORY               OFF
    &RESTART                       SILENT
      ADD_LAST                     NUMERIC
        MD                         ${FREQ}
      &END EACH
      FILENAME                     =system.restart
      MOLNAME                      ${SOLNAME}
      DISTANCES                    1.7958  1.7958  2.85444
      ATOMS                        1 2 3
    &END G3X3
#  @INCLUDE                         ../data/
#  @INCLUDE                        ../data/

  METHOD                           QMMM
    BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME            ../data/BASIS_SET
    CHARGE                         ${QMCHARGE}
      MAX_SCF                      40
      EPS_SCF                      1.0E-7
      SCF_GUESS                    ATOMIC
        EPS_SCF                    1.0E-7
        MAX_SCF                    10
        PRECONDITIONER             FULL_ALL
        MINIMIZER                  DIIS
        N_DIIS                     7
      &END OT
          ADD_LAST                 NUMERIC
            MD                     ${FREQ}
          &END EACH
          FILENAME                 =RESTART
        &END RESTART
        &RESTART_HISTORY           OFF
      &END PRINT
    &END SCF
      EPS_DEFAULT                  1.0E-12
      EXTRAPOLATION                ASPC
      EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER          3
    &END QS
      CUTOFF                       320
      POISSON_SOLVER               ${QMPOISSON}
      PERIODIC                     NONE
      &XC_FUNCTIONAL               BLYP
    &END XC

      PARMTYPE                     AMBER
      PARM_FILE_NAME               ../data/molbox.prmtop
      EI_SCALE14                   0.8333
      VDW_SCALE14                  0.5
        RCUT_NB                    12.0

        KIND AMBER
        ATOMS ZN SH
        K [angstrom^-2kcalmol] 68.05
        R0 [angstrom] 2.311
      &END BOND
        KIND AMBER
        ATOMS ZN NB
        K [angstrom^-2kcalmol] 45.58
        R0 [angstrom] 1.957
      &END BOND

        EWALD_TYPE                 SPME
        ALPHA                      .35
        GMAX                       ${EWALDA} ${EWALDB} ${EWALDC}
      &END EWALD

    NOCENTER                       T
    NOCENTER0                      T
    USE_GEEP_LIB                   7
    ECOUPL                         GAUSS
      ABC                          ${QMBOXA} ${QMBOXB} ${QMBOXC}
      PERIODIC                     NONE

    @INCLUDE                      ../data/

      WALL_SKIN [angstrom]         2.0 2.0 2.0
      TYPE                         REFLECTIVE

      &PROGRAM_RUN_INFO            SILENT
      &PERIODIC_INFO               SILENT
      &QMMM_LINK_INFO              SILENT

      ABC                          ${MMBOXA} ${MMBOXB} ${MMBOXC}
      PERIODIC                     XYZ
             1520 8881
             11567 16020
           &END BONDS
      &END MOL_SET

        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS 1520 8881
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS 1476 8881
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS  961 8881
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS 905 8881
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
         ATOMS 11567 16020
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS 11611 16020
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS 11052 16020
        &END BOND
        &BOND ADD
          ATOMS 10996 16020
        &END BOND

#      COORD_FILE_NAME              ../data/molbox.rst7
#      COORD_FILE_FORMAT            CRD
      CONN_FILE_FORMAT             psf
      CONN_FILE_NAME              ../data/molbox_mod.psf
      MOL_CHECK                    T
    @INCLUDE                  ../data/

  RESTART_FILE_NAME                system.restart
  RESTART_DEFAULT                  T
  RESTART_POS                      T
  RESTART_QMMM                     T
  RESTART_CELL                     T
  RESTART_VEL                      T
  RESTART_CONSTRAINT               F
128 task 32 task /node
 *                            RESTART
INFORMATION                              *
system.restart                                        *
QUANTITIES:                                                       *
CELL                                                  *
COORDINATES                                           *
 *                       RANDOM NUMBER
GENERATOR                               *
VELOCITIES                                            *
 *                       QMMM TRANSLATION
VECTOR                               *
 *                       MD
COUNTERS                                           *
 *                       MD
AVERAGES                                           *
 *                       PARTICLE
THERMOSTAT                                   *
 *                       REAL TIME
PROPAGATION                                 *
 *                       PINT BEAD
POSITIONS                                   *
 *                       PINT BEAD
VELOCITIES                                  *
 *                       PINT NOSE
THERMOSTAT                                  *
 *                       PINT GLE
THERMOSTAT                                   *
 *                       HELIUM BEAD
POSITIONS                                 *
 *                       HELIUM PERMUTATION
STATE                              *
 *                       HELIUM FORCES ON
SOLUTE                               *
 *                       HELIUM RNG
STATE                                      *

 DBCSR| Multiplication
driver                                                SMM
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack
size                                           1000
 DBCSR| Multiplication size
stacks                                             0
subcommunicators                                                   F
 DBCSR| Use MPI combined
types                                                 F
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory
allocation                                              T
 DBCSR| Use Communication
thread                                               T
 DBCSR| Communication thread
load                                            100

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2012-01-26
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED
ON                              nid01132
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED
BY                              root ;-)
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS
ID                                 23112
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN /scratch/rosa/mstenta/

 CP2K| version string:                 CP2K version 2.3.29
(Development Version)
 CP2K| is freely available from                
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Mon Nov 21
10:22:36 CET 2011
 CP2K| Program compiled
on                                                 gele2
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                    CRAY-
 CP2K| Last CVS
 CP2K| Input file name

 GLOBAL| Force Environment
number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                   ../data/
 GLOBAL| Geminal file name
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                              ../data/
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name
 GLOBAL| Method
name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project
name                                                     system
 GLOBAL| Preferred FFT
library                                             FFTW3
type                                                             MD
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single
precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent
lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Global print
level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing
processes                           128
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this
process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from
process                                           0

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min
max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal             33083456      33083456
33083456      33083456
 MEMORY| MemFree              25030868      25030868
25076528      25064135
 MEMORY| Buffers                     0             0
0             0
 MEMORY| Cached                 100412         59880
100412         70112
 MEMORY| Slab                   169372        164880
169372        166280
 MEMORY| SReclaimable             3824          3556
3824          3703
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree        25135104      25135104
25140480      25137950

 SPLINE_INFO| Generating 73920 splines for the NONBONDED interactions
due to 384 different atomic kinds
 000000:000128>>                       9    424 init_genpot
start 3671 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9    424 init_genpot
0.014 3671 Mb


 SPLINE_INFO| Number of unique splines computed:            211

 000000:000128<<                    8      2
spline_nonbond_control       0.047 3671 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      2
force_field_pack_splines       4.011 3671 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1 force_field_pack_eicut
start 3674 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1 force_field_pack_eicut
0.151 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 force_field_pack      30.658
3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 force_field_qeff_output
start 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 force_field_qeff_output
0.061 3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 clean_intra_force_kind
start 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 clean_intra_force_kind
0.018 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 force_field_control      66.176
3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 fist_init_subsys       start 3677
 000000:000128>>              6      1 write_molecule_kind_set
start 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 write_molecule_kind_set
0.000 3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 write_particle_distances
start 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 write_particle_distances
0.000 3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 write_structure_data
start 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 write_structure_data
0.000 3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 write_symmetry       start 3677
 000000:000128<<              6      1 write_symmetry       0.000 3677
 000000:000128>>              6      1 distribute_molecules_1d
start 3677 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 distribute_molecules_1d
0.056 3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 ewald_pw_init       start 3677
 000000:000128>>                 7      1 pw_grid_setup       start
3677 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 pw_grid_distribute
start 3683 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 pw_grid_distribute
0.004 3683 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 pw_grid_allocate
start 3683 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 pw_grid_allocate
0.001 3683 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 pw_grid_assign
start 3683 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 pw_grid_assign
0.001 3683 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 pw_grid_sort       start
3683 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      1 sort_shells
start 3683 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      1 sort_shells
0.002 3683 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 pw_grid_sort       0.003
3683 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 pw_grid_remap       start
3683 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 pw_grid_remap       0.006
3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1 pw_grid_setup       0.021
3691 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1
rs_grid_create_descriptor       start 3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1
rs_grid_create_descriptor       0.001 3691 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1 rs_grid_create       start
3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1 rs_grid_create       0.001
3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 ewald_pw_init       0.373 3691
 000000:000128>>              6      1 ewald_pw_release       start
3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 ewald_pw_release       0.000
3691 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      2 ewald_pw_release       start
3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      2 ewald_pw_release       0.000
3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 fist_init_subsys       0.432 3691
 000000:000128<<        4      1 fist_init      95.746 3691 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 cp_result_create       start 3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 cp_result_create       0.000 3691 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      1 fist_create_force_env      95.748 3691
 Number of QM atoms:       87
 Number of MM atoms:   232348
 QM cell ::


                               QM/MM LINKS


                               IMOMM TYPE LINK
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   12075 MM INDEX:   12073       ALPHA:
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   12952 MM INDEX:   12950       ALPHA:
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   13493 MM INDEX:   13490       ALPHA:
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   20093 MM INDEX:   20090       ALPHA:
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   20096 MM INDEX:   20098       ALPHA:
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   20128 MM INDEX:   20130       ALPHA:
 TYPE: IMOMM       QM INDEX:   20154 MM INDEX:   20157       ALPHA:


 000000:000128>>     3      2 connectivity_control       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2
connectivity_control_check_element_name       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2
connectivity_control_check_element_name       0.001 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 topology_set_atm_mass       start
3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 topology_set_atm_mass       0.000
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 topology_generate_bend       start
3697 Mb
 GENERATE|  Number of Bends
generated:                                         0
 000000:000128<<        4      1 topology_generate_bend       0.000
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 topology_generate_ub       start 3697
 GENERATE|  Number of UB
generated:                                            0
 000000:000128<<        4      1 topology_generate_ub       0.000 3697
 000000:000128>>        4      1 topology_generate_dihe       start
3697 Mb
 GENERATE|  Number of Torsions
generated:                                      0
 000000:000128<<        4      1 topology_generate_dihe       0.000
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 topology_generate_impr       start
3697 Mb
 GENERATE|  Number of Impropers
generated:                                     0
 000000:000128<<        4      1 topology_generate_impr       0.000
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 topology_generate_onfo       start
3697 Mb
 GENERATE|  Number of 1-4 interactions
generated:                              0
 000000:000128<<        4      1 topology_generate_onfo       0.000
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_muc       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_muc       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_generate_molecule
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2
topology_generate_molecule_PARA_RES       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2
topology_generate_molecule_PARA_RES       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_generate_molecule
0.001 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      2 connectivity_control       0.004 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>     3      2 topology_connectivity_pack       start
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_1
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_1
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_1.1
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_1.1
0.001 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_2
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_2
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_3
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_3
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_4
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_4
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_5
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_5
0.001 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_6
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_6
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_7
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_7
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_8
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_8
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_9
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_9
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_10
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_10
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_11_pre       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_11_pre       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_11
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_11
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_12_pre       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_12_pre       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_12
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_12
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_13_pre       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_13_pre       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_13
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_13
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_14_pre       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2
topology_connectivity_pack_14_pre       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_14
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_connectivity_pack_14
0.001 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      2 topology_connectivity_pack       0.004
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>     3      2 topology_coordinate_pack       start
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_1
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_1
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_2
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_2
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_3
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_3
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_4
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_4
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_5
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_5
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_6
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_6
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_7a
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_7a
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_7b
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_7b
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_89
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_89
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_10
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_10
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_11
start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 topology_coordinate_pack_11
0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      2 topology_coordinate_pack       0.001
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>     3      1 quickstep_create_force_env       start
3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      3 cp_result_create       start 3697 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      3 cp_result_create       0.000 3697 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 read_atomic_kind_set       start 3697
 000000:000128>>           5      1 read_atomic_kind       start 3697
 000000:000128>>              6    824 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    824
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    824
broadcast_input_information       0.005 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    824 parser_read_line_low
0.030 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    825 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    825
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    825
broadcast_input_information       0.005 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    825 parser_read_line_low
0.011 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    826 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    826
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    826
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    826 parser_read_line_low
0.010 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    827 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    827
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    827
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    827 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 read_atomic_kind       0.107 3701
 000000:000128>>           5      2 read_atomic_kind       start 3701
 000000:000128>>              6    828 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    828
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    828
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    828 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    829 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    829
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    829
broadcast_input_information       0.005 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    829 parser_read_line_low
0.010 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    830 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    830
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    830
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    830 parser_read_line_low
0.010 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    831 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    831
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    831
broadcast_input_information       0.003 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    831 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 read_atomic_kind       0.069 3701
 000000:000128>>           5      3 read_atomic_kind       start 3701
 000000:000128>>              6    832 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    832
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    832
broadcast_input_information       0.003 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    832 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    833 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    833
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    833
broadcast_input_information       0.005 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    833 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    834 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    834
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    834
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    834 parser_read_line_low
0.010 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    835 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    835
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    835
broadcast_input_information       0.003 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    835 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      3 read_atomic_kind       0.069 3701
 000000:000128>>           5      4 read_atomic_kind       start 3701
 000000:000128>>              6    836 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    836
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    836
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    836 parser_read_line_low
0.008 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    837 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    837
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    837
broadcast_input_information       0.005 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    837 parser_read_line_low
0.010 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    838 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    838
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    838
broadcast_input_information       0.003 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    838 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    839 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    839
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    839
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    839 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      4 read_atomic_kind       0.071 3701
 000000:000128>>           5      5 read_atomic_kind       start 3701
 000000:000128>>              6    840 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    840
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    840
broadcast_input_information       0.003 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    840 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    841 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    841
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    841
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    841 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    842 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    842
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    842
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    842 parser_read_line_low
0.009 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    843 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    843
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    843
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    843 parser_read_line_low
0.008 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6    844 parser_read_line_low
start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7    844
broadcast_input_information       start 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7    844
broadcast_input_information       0.004 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6    844 parser_read_line_low
0.008 3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      5 read_atomic_kind       0.083 3701
 000000:000128>>           5      6 read_atomic_kind       start 3701
 000000:000128<<           5      6 read_atomic_kind       0.001 3701
 000000:000128<<        4      1 read_atomic_kind_set       0.400 3701
 000000:000128>>        4      1 qs_init_subsys       start 3701 Mb

 **     #####                         ##
##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##
##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##
######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####
#####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##
##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######
######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##
##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####
##        **
 **           ##
##        **
 **                                                ... make the atoms
dance   **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K Developers Group (2000 -
2011)           **
 000000:000128>>           5      1 read_qs_section       start 3701
 000000:000128<<           5      1 read_qs_section       0.003 3701
 000000:000128>>           5      1 read_mgrid_section       start
3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 read_mgrid_section       0.000
3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 check_atomic_kind_set       start
3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 check_atomic_kind_set       0.000
3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 init_atomic_kind_set       start
3701 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 init_atomic_kind       start
3701 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 init_atomic_kind       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      2 init_atomic_kind       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      2 init_atomic_kind       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      3 init_atomic_kind       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      3 init_atomic_kind       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      4 init_atomic_kind       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      4 init_atomic_kind       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      5 init_atomic_kind       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      5 init_atomic_kind       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      6 init_atomic_kind       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      6 init_atomic_kind       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 init_atomic_kind_set       0.003
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 init_interaction_radii       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 init_interaction_radii       0.001
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2 distribute_molecules_1d
start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 distribute_molecules_1d
0.001 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 scf_c_create       start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 scf_c_create       0.000 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 scf_c_read_parameters       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 scf_c_read_parameters       0.001
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 allocate_qs_energy       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 allocate_qs_energy       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 wfi_create       start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 wfi_create       0.001 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 write_dft_control       start 3733
 000000:000128<<           5      1 write_dft_control       0.000 3733
 000000:000128>>           5      1 write_dispersion       start 3733
 000000:000128<<           5      1 write_dispersion       0.001 3733
 000000:000128>>           5      1 write_qs_control       start 3733
 000000:000128<<           5      1 write_qs_control       0.001 3733
 000000:000128>>           5      1 write_gto_basis_sets       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 write_gto_basis_sets       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 write_atomic_kind_set       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 write_atomic_kind_set       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2 write_molecule_kind_set
start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 write_molecule_kind_set
0.001 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1
write_qs_particle_coordinates       start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1
write_qs_particle_coordinates       0.000 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2 write_particle_distances
start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 write_particle_distances
0.000 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2 write_structure_data       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 write_structure_data       0.000
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2 write_symmetry       start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 write_symmetry       0.000 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 scf_c_write_parameters       start
3733 Mb

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density
guess:                                    ATOMIC
max_scf:                                              40
max_scf_history:                                       0
max_diis:                                              4
eps_scf:                                        1.00E-07
eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
[a.u.]:                                 0.00
                        Outer loop SCF in use
                        No variables optimised in outer loop
eps_scf                                         1.00E-07
max_scf                                               10
                        No outer loop optimization
step_size                                       5.00E-01
 000000:000128<<           5      1 scf_c_write_parameters       0.004
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 qs_env_setup       start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 qs_env_rebuild_pw_env
start 3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1 pw_env_rebuild       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      2 pw_grid_setup       start
3733 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      2
pw_grid_distribute       start 3743 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      2
pw_grid_distribute       0.026 3743 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      2 pw_grid_allocate
start 3743 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      2 pw_grid_allocate
0.001 3792 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      2 pw_grid_assign
start 3792 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      2 pw_grid_assign
0.203 3792 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      2 pw_grid_sort
start 3792 Mb
 000000:000128>>                         10      2 sort_shells
start 3796 Mb
 000000:000128<<                         10      2 sort_shells
0.173 3796 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      2 pw_grid_sort
0.461 3815 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      2 pw_grid_remap
start 3815 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      2 pw_grid_remap
0.039 3825 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      2 pw_grid_setup       0.772
3825 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      3 pw_grid_setup       start
3825 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      3
pw_grid_distribute       start 3835 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      3
pw_grid_distribute       0.012 3835 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      3 pw_grid_allocate
start 3835 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      3 pw_grid_allocate
0.001 3836 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      3 pw_grid_assign
start 3836 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      3 pw_grid_assign
0.027 3836 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      3 pw_grid_sort
start 3836 Mb
 000000:000128>>                         10      3 sort_shells
start 3837 Mb
 000000:000128<<                         10      3 sort_shells
0.076 3837 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      3 pw_grid_sort
0.231 3846 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      3 pw_grid_remap
start 3846 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      3 pw_grid_remap
0.025 3856 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      3 pw_grid_setup       0.318
3856 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      4 pw_grid_setup       start
3856 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      4
pw_grid_distribute       start 3862 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      4
pw_grid_distribute       0.004 3862 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      4 pw_grid_allocate
start 3862 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      4 pw_grid_allocate
0.001 3862 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      4 pw_grid_assign
start 3862 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      4 pw_grid_assign
0.003 3862 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      4 pw_grid_sort
start 3862 Mb
 000000:000128>>                         10      4 sort_shells
start 3862 Mb
 000000:000128<<                         10      4 sort_shells
0.008 3862 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      4 pw_grid_sort
0.025 3862 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      4 pw_grid_remap
start 3862 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      4 pw_grid_remap
0.006 3872 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      4 pw_grid_setup       0.045
3872 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      5 pw_grid_setup       start
3872 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      5
pw_grid_distribute       start 3874 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      5
pw_grid_distribute       0.003 3874 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      5 pw_grid_allocate
start 3874 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      5 pw_grid_allocate
0.001 3874 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      5 pw_grid_assign
start 3874 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      5 pw_grid_assign
0.001 3874 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      5 pw_grid_sort
start 3874 Mb
 000000:000128>>                         10      5 sort_shells
start 3874 Mb
 000000:000128<<                         10      5 sort_shells
0.001 3874 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      5 pw_grid_sort
0.002 3874 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      5 pw_grid_remap
start 3874 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      5 pw_grid_remap
0.003 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      5 pw_grid_setup       0.011
3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      6 pw_grid_setup       start
3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      6
pw_grid_distribute       start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      6
pw_grid_distribute       0.003 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      6 pw_grid_allocate
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      6 pw_grid_allocate
0.000 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      6 pw_grid_assign
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      6 pw_grid_assign
0.001 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      6 pw_grid_sort
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                         10      6 sort_shells
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                         10      6 sort_shells
0.001 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      6 pw_grid_sort
0.002 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                       9      6 pw_grid_remap
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                       9      6 pw_grid_remap
0.001 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      6 pw_grid_setup       0.008
3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 compute_max_radius
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 compute_max_radius
0.203 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 init_cube_info
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 init_cube_info
0.002 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      2
rs_grid_create_descriptor       start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      2
rs_grid_create_descriptor       0.001 3876 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      2 rs_grid_create
start 3876 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      2 rs_grid_create
0.000 3885 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      2 init_cube_info
start 3885 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      2 init_cube_info
0.003 3885 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      3
rs_grid_create_descriptor       start 3885 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      3
rs_grid_create_descriptor       0.000 3885 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      3 rs_grid_create
start 3885 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      3 rs_grid_create
0.000 3890 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      3 init_cube_info
start 3890 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      3 init_cube_info
0.002 3890 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      4
rs_grid_create_descriptor       start 3890 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      4
rs_grid_create_descriptor       0.000 3890 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      4 rs_grid_create
start 3890 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      4 rs_grid_create
0.000 3896 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      4 init_cube_info
start 3896 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      4 init_cube_info
0.007 3896 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      5
rs_grid_create_descriptor       start 3896 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      5
rs_grid_create_descriptor       0.000 3896 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      5 rs_grid_create
start 3896 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      5 rs_grid_create
0.002 3897 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1 pw_env_rebuild       1.384
3897 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1 pw_pool_create_pw
start 3897 Mb
 000000:000128>>                    8      1 pw_create       start
3897 Mb
 000000:000128<<                    8      1 pw_create       0.001
3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1 pw_pool_create_pw
0.001 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 qs_env_rebuild_pw_env
1.385 3903 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 mpools_rebuild_fm_pools
start 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 mpools_rebuild_fm_pools
0.001 3903 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 distribute_molecules_2d
start 3903 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1
make_basic_distribution       start 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<                 7      1
make_basic_distribution       0.001 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 distribute_molecules_2d
0.002 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 qs_env_setup       1.388 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 qs_init_subsys       1.415 3903 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      4 cp_result_create       start 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      4 cp_result_create       0.000 3903 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      1 quickstep_create_force_env       1.824
3903 Mb

 **             #######  ##     ## ##     ## ##
##                        **
 **            ##     ## ###   ### ###   ### ###
###                        **
 **            ##     ## #### #### #### #### ####
####                        **
 **            ##     ## ## ### ## ## ### ## ## ###
##                        **
 **            ##  ## ## ##     ## ##     ## ##
##                        **
 **            ##    ##  ##     ## ##     ## ##     ##  T.Laino and
F.Mohamed **
 **             ##### ## ##     ## ##     ## ##     ##
2005-2011             **
 **                                                     Calculation
Started.. **
 000000:000128>>     3      5 cp_result_create       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      5 cp_result_create       0.000 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      1 qmmm_create_force_env     265.651 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      1 metadyn_read       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      1 metadyn_read       0.000 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      1 fp_env_create       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      1 fp_env_create       0.000 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      1 fp_env_read       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      1 fp_env_read       0.000 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      1 fp_env_write       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      1 fp_env_write       0.001 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      1 fp_env_release       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      1 fp_env_release       0.001 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      2 fp_env_release       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<    2      2 fp_env_release       0.000 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>    2      1 qs_mol_dyn_low       start 3905 Mb

 MD| Molecular Dynamics Protocol
 MD| Ensemble
Type                                                           NVT
 MD| Number of Time
Steps                                                 500000
 MD| Time Step
[fs]                                                         0.50
 MD| Temperature
[K]                                                      300.00
 MD| Temperature tolerance
[K]                                              0.00
 MD| Constraints activated
 MD| Tolerance for shake
 MD| Print MD information every
1 step(s)
 MD| File type     Print frequency[steps]
File names
 MD| Coordinates            1
 MD| Velocities             1
 MD| Energies               1
 MD| Dump                   1

 000000:000128>>     3      1 rot_ana       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 diamat_all       start 3905 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 diamat_all       0.001 3905 Mb
 ROT| Rotational Analysis Info
 ROT| Principal axes and moments of inertia in atomic units:
 ROT|                                1
2                 3
 ROT| EIGENVALUES            0.202294878E+14   0.346096292E+14
 ROT|      X                    -0.005663006       0.999954168
 ROT|      Y                    -0.006728067       0.007681496
 ROT|      Z                     0.999961331       0.005714649
 ROT| Numer of Rotovibrational vectors:     6
 000000:000128<<     3      1 rot_ana       0.270 3935 Mb

 Calculation of degrees of freedom
                                                      Number of
atoms:    232428
                                 Number of Intramolecular
constraints:    212169
                                 Number of Intermolecular
constraints:         0
                                  Invariants(translation +
rotations):         0
                                                   Degrees of
freedom:    485115

 Restraints Information
                                  Number of Intramolecular
restraints:         0
                                  Number of Intermolecular
restraints:         0
 000000:000128>>     3      1 thermostat_mapping_region       start
3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 mapping_region_evaluate       start
3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 mapping_region_evaluate       0.027
3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 massive_list_generate       start
3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 massive_list_generate       0.000
3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 thermostat_mapping_region_low
start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 thermostat_mapping_region_low
0.001 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      1 thermostat_mapping_region       0.030
3935 Mb

 THERMOSTAT| Thermostat Info for PARTICLES
 THERMOSTAT| Type of thermostat            Canonical Sampling/Velocity
 THERMOSTAT| CSVR time constant
[  fs]                                     50.00
 THERMOSTAT| Initial Kinetic Energy
 THERMOSTAT| End of Thermostat Info for PARTICLES

 000000:000128>>     3      1 setup_velocities       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      1 initialize_velocities       start
3935 Mb
 ************************** Velocities initialization
 000000:000128>>           5      1 read_binary_velocities       start
3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      1 read_binary_velocities       0.000
3935 Mb
Temperature                                                    299.69
 COM velocity:           -0.000000013862      0.000000131448

 000000:000128<<        4      1 initialize_velocities       0.213
3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      1 setup_velocities       0.215 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>     3      2 write_qs_particle_coordinates
start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      2 write_qs_particle_coordinates
0.001 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>     3      1 qs_ks_qmmm_create       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      2 pw_pool_create_pw       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      2 pw_create       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 pw_create       0.001 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      2 pw_pool_create_pw       0.001 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      5 init_cube_info       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      5 init_cube_info       0.000 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      6 init_cube_info       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      6 init_cube_info       0.000 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      7 init_cube_info       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      7 init_cube_info       0.009 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>        4      8 init_cube_info       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      8 init_cube_info       0.009 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<     3      1 qs_ks_qmmm_create       0.020 3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>     3      1 qmmm_el_coupling       start 3935 Mb
 QMMM| Information on the QM/MM Electrostatic Potential:
 000000:000128>>        4      1 pw_zero       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<        4      1 pw_zero       0.002 3935 Mb
 QMMM| QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential
 000000:000128>>        4      1 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian       start
3935 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      3 pw_pool_create_pw       start 3935
 000000:000128>>              6      3 pw_create       start 3935 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      3 pw_create       0.000 4294 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      3 pw_pool_create_pw       0.001 4294
 000000:000128>>           5      4 pw_pool_create_pw       start 4294
 000000:000128>>              6      4 pw_create       start 4294 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      4 pw_create       0.000 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      4 pw_pool_create_pw       0.000 4340
 000000:000128>>           5      5 pw_pool_create_pw       start 4340
 000000:000128>>              6      5 pw_create       start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      5 pw_create       0.000 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      5 pw_pool_create_pw       0.000 4340
 000000:000128>>           5      6 pw_pool_create_pw       start 4340
 000000:000128>>              6      6 pw_create       start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      6 pw_create       0.000 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      6 pw_pool_create_pw       0.000 4340
 000000:000128>>           5      2 pw_zero       start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      2 pw_zero       0.769 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      3 pw_zero       start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      3 pw_zero       0.047 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      4 pw_zero       start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      4 pw_zero       0.003 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      5 pw_zero       start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<           5      5 pw_zero       0.000 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>           5      1 qmmm_elec_with_gaussian_low
start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_G
start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128<<              6      1 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_G
0.120 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>              6      1 qmmm_elec_gaussian_low_R
start 4340 Mb
 000000:000128>>                 7      1
qmmm_elec_with_gaussian_LR       start 4340 Mb
Application 350059 exit signals: Killed
Application 350059 resources: utime ~4s, stime ~6s

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