bugfix for MO_CUBES printing when nspin=2

Murat KILIC murat... at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 13:59:36 UTC 2011

Dear cp2k developers,

I have made a small change to fix a bug when writing MO_CUBES in the
case of a spin-unrestricted calculation.
The original code has a problem with writing at the same time HOMOs
and LUMOs cubefiles, that is, some files seem to get overwritten, and
there is a shift in the MO numbering.
This is because the HOMO number ("homo") is only obtained for the
occupied orbitals (first for spin 1 and then for spin 2) and not for
the unoccupied MOs afterward. As a result, only the previously
obtained number for "homo" for spin 2 is used for both spins in the
calculation and printing of the unoccupied MOs.

Attached is the changed file "qs_scf_post_gpw.F", before and after my change.
I hope that it will be useful for others.

best wishes,
Bernd Ensing

Computational Chemistry Group
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
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