Postdoctoral Research Position: Ab-Initio Dynamics of Condensed Matter

tkuehne tku... at
Thu May 26 11:49:13 UTC 2011

In the Ab-Initio Dynamics of Condensed Matter Group we are aiming to
develop novel computational methods
to study complex many-body systems such as liquids, biomolecules in
solution and solids from first-principles.
Along those lines we do have a postdoctoral research positions to
offer, which consists of both method
development and application. Potential candidates must have a PhD
degree in Chemistry, Physics, or related
discipline and a strong interest in computer simulations as well as
programming. Basic experiences with Linux,
numerical methods of theoretical physics/chemistry, electronic
structure methods and/or molecular dynamics
are required. Consideration of candidates will begin immediately until
the position is filled. Questions and
applications in electronic form including a cover letter and contact
informations of at least two academic
references should be directed to kue... at

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