[CP2K:3081] Re: Matrix operations 2

Urban Borštnik urban.b... at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 14:00:45 UTC 2011

> Are there any routines  that allow to print simple types arrays like
> The cp_dbcsr_print was designed for structures having cp_dbcsr_p_type.

You can use some low-level utility routines (which are used by the
cp_dbcsr_print subroutines) in the dbcsr_io module.  The subroutines to
do a simple number-dump of a 1-D or 2-D array with specified dimensions
are made public through the dbcsr_printmat interface:
	USE dbcsr_io, ONLY: dbcsr_printmat
There are also ones that dump the array in the matlab format.  They are
not made public but you can change that for debugging...


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