[CP2K:3398] Cons Qty[a.u.] drift? kinetic + potential = Cons Qty ?

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 07:29:58 UTC 2011

My hypothesis: The very basic answer is that your QM system is continuously translated in the middle of the QM box. 
You say that you keep all the QM atom frozen. In the input file you've sent I don't see that (i.e. it is commented, modulo my personal mistakes in looking at an input of 300 lines!). So I do not think that you are really keeping all QM atoms frozen. This translation is definitely accounting for a constant drift (it's quite normal to observe in PW based codes).
You can try to disable the translation and see what happens.

XC_SMOOTH_RHO may also lead to a non-perfect energy conservation. Why are you using that?

There could be of course other reasons.. but.. let's proceed stepwise..

Regarding the cons. Qty, It should be clear that in an NVT ensemble (compared to NVE) the conserved quantity is not only the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the particles, but you need to include as well the thermostat energies (which are not printed in the ener file)

The Cons Qty (i.e. including the thermostat energies) is the quantity which should be conserved.

As a side comment: if you're curious about your energy conservation just run a simple NVE. In this case you are summing too many effects that (I kind of reckon) you can't control very well.


On Aug 4, 2011, at 9:06 AM, marco.stenta wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have a question for any QM/MM user/developer.
> I have a NVT simulation of a big protein embedded in a water box,
> already equilibrated at MM level, and then 2 ps were performed by
> keepign the heavy QM atoms frozen, as to further relax the MM atoms
> surrounding the active site.
> *the system contains a couple of Mg atoms  (Mg: TZVDD3DF3PD-GTH-BLYP
> all the other atoms DZVP-GTH-BLYP)
> *charge of the qm system is -1, the spurious charge left on the MM
> part was somehow redistributed/adjusted as to have
> CHARGE_INFO| Total Charge of the Classical
> System:                     0.000006
> *QM is not periodic and MT is used as poisson solver for the QM part
> (the box was chosen to be 2.5 times the size of the QM part, which is
> globular and compact)
> * the cutoff was set to 320 and the grid is COMMENSURATE
> *the parameter XC_SMOOTH_RHO              NN50 was also set
> *H are substituted with D, and the timestep is set to 0.2 fs
> (the full input is attached below)
> what troubles me is the drift in Cons Qty.
> I understand I can still be out of equilibrium and the system should
> further relax, but in similar simulations I observed a constant drift.
> Moreover the Cons Qty[a.u.] is not the sum of potential and kinetic
> energy (.ener file): is this OK? or it is a bell ringing  for
> something deeply wrong in my calculation/setup/input/system?
> cons qty -(pot + kin) = err
> step 1:         -1517.083028953-(-1747.938628518+230.841109714) = .
> 014489851
> step 203:     -1517.034195266-(-1747.682577807+230.042654659) = .
> 605727882
> Thansk a lot
> Marco
> #     Step Nr.          Time[fs]        Kin.[a.u.]
> Temp[K]            Pot.[a.u.]        Cons Qty[a.u.]        UsedTime[s]
>         0            0.000000       230.867136550
> 300.555492024     -1747.950286957     -1517.083150407
> 0.000000000
>         1            0.200000       230.841109714
> 300.521608861     -1747.938628518     -1517.083028953
> 399.900000000
>         2            0.400000       230.807655637
> 300.478056511     -1747.928456404     -1517.083062027
> 134.000000000
>         3            0.600000       230.730159995
> 300.377168437     -1747.920690429     -1517.082994355
> 130.840000000
>         4            0.800000       230.740950337
> 300.391215894     -1747.914613364     -1517.081103127
> 130.830000000
>         5            1.000000       230.761638258
> 300.418148564     -1747.914568012     -1517.081032391
> 134.510000000
>         6            1.200000       230.746886303
> 300.398943661     -1747.920038506     -1517.081850762
> 134.440000000
>         7            1.400000       230.781912025
> 300.444542065     -1747.929605498     -1517.082015560
> 130.700000000
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
>       198           39.600000       230.304901871
> 299.823544102     -1747.846813641     -1517.033160667
> 132.440000000
>       199           39.800000       230.235992906
> 299.733834635     -1747.807562871     -1517.033321937
> 122.030000000
>       200           40.000000       230.132127496
> 299.598616952     -1747.770362015     -1517.033673946
> 125.460000000
>       201           40.200000       230.145587240
> 299.616139584     -1747.737129241     -1517.034724628
> 134.050000000
>       202           40.400000       230.026559444
> 299.461182675     -1747.707292580     -1517.034666102
> 125.710000000
>       203           40.600000       230.042654659
> 299.482136309     -1747.682577807     -1517.034195266
> 125.570000000
> ###########################################################################################
> @SET NSTEPS                        500000
> @SET SOLNAME                       MOL69
> @SET QMCHARGE                      -1
> @SET QMPOISSON                     MT
> @SET FREQ                          1
> @INCLUDE                           boxes.inc
>  PRINT_LEVEL                      LOW
>  PROJECT                          system
>  PROGRAM                          CP2K
>  RUN_TYPE                         MD
>  WALLTIME                         21000
>  &MD
>    ENSEMBLE                       NVT
>    STEPS                          ${NSTEPS}
>    TIMESTEP                       0.20
>    TEMPERATURE                    300.0
>      TYPE                         CSVR
>      REGION                       DEFINED
>        MM_SUBSYS                  ATOMIC
>        QM_SUBSYS                  ATOMIC
>      &CSVR
>        TIMECON                    50
>      &END CSVR
>    &PRINT
>      FORCE_LAST                   T
>      &ENERGY
>        &EACH
>          MD                       1
>        &END EACH
>        FILENAME                   =system.ene
>      &END ENERGY
>  &END MD
>    &TRAJECTORY                    SILENT
>      &EACH
>        MD                         ${FREQ}
>      &END EACH
>      FILENAME                     =system.dcd
>      FORMAT                       DCD
>    &VELOCITIES                    OFF
>      &EACH
>        MD                         ${FREQ}
>      &END EACH
>      FILENAME                     =system.vel
>    &FORCES
>      &EACH
>        MD                         ${FREQ}
>      &END EACH
>      FILENAME                     =system.for.DCD
>      FORMAT                       DCD
>    &RESTART_HISTORY               OFF
>    &RESTART                       SILENT
>      ADD_LAST                     NUMERIC
>      &EACH
>        MD                         ${FREQ}
>      &END EACH
>      FILENAME                     =system.restart
>    &G3X3
>      MOLNAME                      ${SOLNAME}
>      DISTANCES                    1.7958  1.7958  2.85444
>      ATOMS                        1 2 3
>    &END G3X3
> #  @INCLUDE                         ./fix_qm_heavy.inc
> #  @INCLUDE                        ./FREE_ENERGY.inc
>  METHOD                           QMMM
>  &DFT
>    CHARGE                         ${QMCHARGE}
>    &SCF
>      MAX_SCF                      40
>      EPS_SCF                      1.0E-7
>      SCF_GUESS                    ATOMIC
>      &OUTER_SCF
>        EPS_SCF                    1.0E-7
>        MAX_SCF                    10
>      &OT
>        PRECONDITIONER             FULL_ALL
>        MINIMIZER                  DIIS
>        N_DIIS                     7
>      &END OT
>      &PRINT
>        &RESTART
>          ADD_LAST                 NUMERIC
>          &EACH
>            MD                     ${FREQ}
>          &END EACH
>          FILENAME                 =RESTART
>        &END RESTART
>        &RESTART_HISTORY           OFF
>      &END PRINT
>    &END SCF
>    &QS
>      EPS_DEFAULT                  1.0E-12
>      EXTRAPOLATION                ASPC
>      EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER          3
>    &END QS
>    &MGRID
>      CUTOFF                       320
>      POISSON_SOLVER               ${QMPOISSON}
>      PERIODIC                     NONE
>    &XC
>      &XC_GRID
>        XC_SMOOTH_RHO              NN50
>        XC_DERIV                   SPLINE2_SMOOTH
>      &END XC_GRID
>      &XC_FUNCTIONAL               BLYP
>    &END XC
>  &MM
>      PARMTYPE                     AMBER
>      PARM_FILE_NAME               ./molbox.prmtop
>      EI_SCALE14                   0.8333
>      VDW_SCALE14                  0.5
>      &SPLINE
>        RCUT_NB                    12.0
>      &END SPLINE
>      &BOND
>        KIND AMBER
>        ATOMS ZN SH
>        K [angstrom^-2kcalmol] 68.05
>        R0 [angstrom] 2.311
>      &END BOND
>      &BOND
>        KIND AMBER
>        ATOMS ZN NB
>        K [angstrom^-2kcalmol] 45.58
>        R0 [angstrom] 1.957
>      &END BOND
>      &EWALD
>        EWALD_TYPE                 SPME
>        ALPHA                      .35
>        GMAX                       ${EWALDA} ${EWALDB} ${EWALDC}
>      &END EWALD
>  &END MM
>  &QMMM
>    USE_GEEP_LIB                   7
>    ECOUPL                         GAUSS
>    &CELL
>      ABC                          ${QMBOXA} ${QMBOXB} ${QMBOXC}
>      PERIODIC                     NONE
>    &END CELL
>    @INCLUDE                      ./QM_KIND-LINK.inc
>    &WALLS
>      WALL_SKIN [angstrom]         2.0
>      TYPE                         REFLECTIVE
>    &PRINT
>      &PROGRAM_RUN_INFO            SILENT
>      &PERIODIC_INFO               SILENT
>      &QMMM_LINK_INFO              SILENT
>    &CELL
>      ABC                          ${MMBOXA} ${MMBOXB} ${MMBOXC}
>      PERIODIC                     XYZ
>    &END CELL
>      &MOL_SET
>           &BONDS
>             1520 8881
>             11567 16020
>           &END BONDS
>      &END MOL_SET
>      &GENERATE
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS 1520 8881
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS 1476 8881
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS  961 8881
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS 905 8881
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>         ATOMS 11567 16020
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS 11611 16020
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS 11052 16020
>        &END BOND
>        &BOND ADD
>          ATOMS 10996 16020
>        &END BOND
> #      COORD_FILE_NAME              ./molbox.rst7
> #      COORD_FILE_FORMAT            CRD
>      CONN_FILE_FORMAT             psf
>      CONN_FILE_NAME              ./molbox_mod.psf
>      MOL_CHECK                    T
> #    @INCLUDE                      ./COLVARS.inc
>    @INCLUDE                      ./KIND_BASIS_POTENTIAL.inc
>  RESTART_FILE_NAME                system.restart
>  RESTART_DEFAULT                  F
>  RESTART_POS                      T
>  RESTART_QMMM                     F
>  RESTART_CELL                     F
>  RESTART_VEL                      T
>  RESTART_CONSTRAINT               F
> one step
> MD_ENERGIES| Initialization proceeding
> ******************************** GO CP2K GO!
> **********************************
> -0.174799785808E+04
> 0.230415023002E+03
> 0.158480716859E+00
> =                                 299.967
> =                                 383.480
> INITIAL VOLUME[bohr^3]                =
> 0.162855828148E+08
> INITIAL CELL LNTHS[bohr]   =      0.2427467E+03   0.1883698E+03
> 0.3561548E+03
> INITIAL CELL ANGLS[deg]    =      0.9000000E+02   0.9000000E+02
> 0.9000000E+02
> ******************************** GO CP2K GO!
> **********************************
>  Translating the system in order to center the QM fragment in the QM
> box.
> QMMM| Information on the QM/MM Electrostatic Potential:
> QMMM| QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential
> Functions.
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):
> -1107.691789517704819
> Number of
> electrons:                                                        282
> Number of occupied
> orbitals:                                                141
> Number of molecular
> orbitals:                                               141
> Number of orbital
> functions:                                                853
> Number of independent orbital
> functions:                                    853
>  Parameters for the always stable predictor-corrector (ASPC) method:
>  ASPC order: 0
>  B(1) =   1.000000
> Extrapolation method: ASPC
>  ----------------------------------- OT
> ---------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------- OT
> ---------------------------------------
>  Allowing for rotations:  F
>  Optimizing orbital energies:  F
>  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
>                                         in the iterative subspace
>                            using      : -   7 DIIS vectors
>                                         - safer DIIS on
>  Preconditioner : FULL_ALL            : diagonalization, state
> selective
>  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
>  stepsize       :    0.15000000
>  energy_gap     :    0.20000000
>  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15
>  max_taylor     :             4
>  mixed_precision    : F
>  ----------------------------------- OT
> ---------------------------------------
>  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total
> energy    Change
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.6     0.00013824      -660.0889519260
> -6.60E+02
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00006528      -660.0891544242
> -2.02E-04
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00004102      -660.0891852777
> -3.09E-05
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000905      -660.0891968633
> -1.16E-05
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000363      -660.0891972223
> -3.59E-07
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000128      -660.0891972771
> -5.49E-08
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000050      -660.0891972836
> -6.48E-09
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000017      -660.0891972847
> -1.03E-09
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000006      -660.0891972848
> -1.36E-10
>  *** SCF run converged in     9 steps ***
> Electronic density on regular grids:       -282.0000853101
> -0.0000853101
>  Core density on regular grids:              280.9999999999
> -0.0000000001
>  Total charge density on r-space grids:       -1.0000853102
>  Total charge density g-space grids:          -1.0000853102
>  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:
> 0.00000627667060
>  Self energy of the core charge distribution:
> -1589.05360281114645
>  Core Hamiltonian energy:
> 468.03211746420584
>  Hartree energy:
> 628.55173480393682
>  Exchange-correlation energy:
> -147.56475324920322
>  QM/MM Electrostatic energy:
> -20.0546997693
>  Total energy:
> -660.08919728479384
>  outer SCF iter =    1 RMS gradient =   0.60E-07 energy =
> -660.0891972848
>  outer SCF loop converged in   1 iterations or    9 steps
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):
> -660.089197284806573
> QMMM| Evaluating forces on MM atoms due to the:
> QMMM| - QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential
> Functions.
> QMMM| QM/MM Nuclear Electrostatic Potential :
> 19.765411770
> QMMM| QMMM Total Energy (QM + QMMM electronic + QMMM nuclear):
> -640.323785514
> QMMM| MM energy NOT included in the above term! Check for:
> QMMM| that includes both QM, QMMM and MM energy terms!
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QMMM ) energy (a.u.):
> -1748.015575032073230
> *******************************************************************************
> =                                              NVT
> =                                              154
> TIME [FS]                    =
> 30.800000
> CONSERVED QNTY               =
> -0.151703373148E+04
>                                         INSTANTANEOUS        AVERAGES
> CPU [S]                      =
> 232.00               136.50
> {E-E0}/{k_b*N_at}            =         -0.206102875908E+04
> -0.204766829357E+04
> POTENTIAL ENERGY[hartree]    =         -0.174801557503E+04
> -0.174803150569E+04
> TOTAL KINETIC ENERGY[hartree]=          0.230424151387E+03
> 0.230737291553E+03
> QM KINETIC ENERGY[hartree]   =          0.161605341266E+00
> 0.131303426565E+00
> 299.979              300.386
> QM TEMPERATURE[K]            =
> 391.041              317.719
> *******************************************************************************
>  Translating the system in order to center the QM fragment in the QM
> box.
> QMMM| Information on the QM/MM Electrostatic Potential:
> QMMM| QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential
> Functions.
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):
> -1107.709038972358030
> Number of
> electrons:                                                        282
> Number of occupied
> orbitals:                                                141
> Number of molecular
> orbitals:                                               141
> Number of orbital
> functions:                                                853
> Number of independent orbital
> functions:                                    853
>  Parameters for the always stable predictor-corrector (ASPC) method:
>  ASPC order: 0
>  B(1) =   2.000000
>  B(2) =  -1.000000
> Extrapolation method: ASPC
>  ----------------------------------- OT
> ---------------------------------------
>  Allowing for rotations:  F
>  Optimizing orbital energies:  F
>  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
>                                         in the iterative subspace
>                            using      : -   7 DIIS vectors
>                                         - safer DIIS on
>  Preconditioner : FULL_ALL            : diagonalization, state
> selective
>  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
>  stepsize       :    0.15000000
>  energy_gap     :    0.20000000
>  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15
>  max_taylor     :             4
>  mixed_precision    : F
>  ----------------------------------- OT
> ---------------------------------------
>  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total
> energy    Change
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.6     0.00002521      -660.1535199210
> -6.60E+02
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00001373      -660.1535252226
> -5.30E-06
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00001003      -660.1535257786
> -5.56E-07
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000223      -660.1535261910
> -4.12E-07
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000109      -660.1535262125
> -2.14E-08
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000042      -660.1535262171
> -4.65E-09
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000013      -660.1535262175
> -3.66E-10
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
>     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.5     0.00000005      -660.1535262175
> -1.77E-11
>  *** SCF run converged in     8 steps ***
>  Electronic density on regular grids:       -282.0001526135
> -0.0001526135
>  Core density on regular grids:              280.9999999999
> -0.0000000001
>  Total charge density on r-space grids:       -1.0001526136
>  Total charge density g-space grids:          -1.0001526136
>  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:
> 0.00000641065336
>  Self energy of the core charge distribution:
> -1589.05360281114645
>  Core Hamiltonian energy:
> 468.06681187909601
>  Hartree energy:
> 628.52418689557771
>  Exchange-correlation energy:
> -147.57280797171762
>  QM/MM Electrostatic energy:
> -20.1181206200
>  Total energy:
> -660.15352621750253
>  outer SCF iter =    1 RMS gradient =   0.50E-07 energy =
> -660.1535262175
>  outer SCF loop converged in   1 iterations or    8 steps
>  Adding QM/MM electrostatic potential to the Kohn-Sham potential.
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy (a.u.):
> -660.153526217483318
> QMMM| Evaluating forces on MM atoms due to the:
> QMMM| - QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential
> Functions.
> QMMM| QM/MM Nuclear Electrostatic Potential :
> 19.828156874
> QMMM| QMMM Total Energy (QM + QMMM electronic + QMMM nuclear):
> -640.325369343
> QMMM| MM energy NOT included in the above term! Check for:
> QMMM| that includes both QM, QMMM and MM energy terms!
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QMMM ) energy (a.u.):
> -1748.034408315605106
> *******************************************************************************
> =                                              NVT
> =                                              155
> TIME [FS]                    =
> 31.000000
> CONSERVED QNTY               =
> -0.151703386645E+04
>                                         INSTANTANEOUS        AVERAGES
> CPU [S]                      =
> 125.98               136.43
> {E-E0}/{k_b*N_at}            =         -0.206102894244E+04
> -0.204775449130E+04
> POTENTIAL ENERGY[hartree]    =         -0.174803440832E+04
> -0.174803152442E+04
> TOTAL KINETIC ENERGY[hartree]=          0.230383030154E+03
> 0.230735005995E+03
> QM KINETIC ENERGY[hartree]   =          0.162486103679E+00
> 0.131504605127E+00
> 299.925              300.383
> QM TEMPERATURE[K]            =
> 393.172              318.206
> *******************************************************************************
>  Translating the system in order to center the QM fragment in the QM
> box.
> QMMM| Information on the QM/MM Electrostatic Potential:
> QMMM| QM/MM Coupling computed collocating the Gaussian Potential
> Functions.
> ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( FIST ) energy (a.u.):
> -1107.728701366057976
> -- 
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