problems using HSE as a hybrid functional.

Petko Petkov oh... at
Thu Sep 23 04:48:26 UTC 2010

Hi CP2K users and developers,

I need a hybrid functional for my research. I have submitted a test job for 

Pt8 cluster using HSE functional. I took the &XC section from the 

cp2k/tests/QS/regtest-hybrid/NE-hybrid-HSE06-lda.inp file. The input file is 

attached. The job was submitted on IBM BG/P using 128 cores in SMP mode. 

After that I got a error like:

"  HFX_MEM_INFO| Est. max. program size before HFX [MB's]:   


 * *** 09:45:01 ERRORL2 in 

hfx_energy_potential:integrate_four_center  ***

 *** processor      0  err=-300  condition 
FAILED at line 413  *** *

 ===== Routine Calling Stack =====

  11  integrate_four_center

10 qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix

9 qs_ks_update_qs_env

8 init_scf_loop

7 scf_env_do_scf

6 qs_energies_scf

5 qs_forces

4 cp_eval_at

3 geoopt_bfgs

2 cp_geo_opt

1 CP2K

 CP2K| condition FAILED at line 413

 CP2K| Abnormal program termination, stopped by process number 



I have no idea if this error comes from the code or from the wrong 

input. If I remove the &HF section the job is working well. I checked 

the google group and found the same settings for the &XC section. The 

code was recompiled from our sys administrator with libint, necessary for 

HFX. The output is attached.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Best Regards,



Dr. Petko St. Petkov   

Faculty of Chemistry   

University of Sofia   

1126 Sofia, Bulgaria   

tel: +359 2 8161 433

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