[CP2K:2500] Re: Test files -H2O

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 06:21:16 UTC 2010

It is very difficult to help when the help is not clear.
Looks like again this is an intel related problem: or you provide 
extensive information or you will hardly get any help.
Most important: look at the old posts on Intel or even better change 


Amit Patel wrote:
> I have the same issue. any help ??
> -Amit
> On Jan 7, 4:52 pm, Sandeep Kumar Reddy <kuma... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>         i tried with this arch and it compiled successfully. But when i ran
>> the test jobs, it got stopped during the SCF cycle.( It hasn't done a single
>> SCF step but it is runnning without any output) .
>> The arch. file that i used to compile the serial version is
>> Make file "Linux-x86-64-intel-jnc.sopt"
>> CC       = cc
>> CPP      =
>> FC       = ifort
>> LD       = ifort
>> AR       = ar -r
>> # -D__FFTACML
>> # -D_FFTSG
>> INTEL_INC = -I/sfs1/intel_122009/Compiler/11.1/059/mkl/include
>> -I/sfs3/home/amit/compilledpackages/fftw-3.2.2/installed/include
>> INTEL_LIB = /sfs1/intel_122009/Compiler/11.1/059/mkl/lib/em64t
>> MKLPATH  = /sfs1/intel_122009/Compiler/11.1/059/mkl/lib/em64t
>> FFTW3_LIB = /sfs3/home/amit/compilledpackages/fftw-3.2.2/installed/lib
>> CPPFLAGS = -C -traditional $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC)
>> FCFLAGS  = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O2 -xW -heap-arrays 64 -fpp -free
>> FCFLAGS2 = $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC) -O1 -xW -heap-arrays 64 -fpp -free
>> LIBS     =  $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_solver_lp64.a -Wl,--start-group
>>  $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_lp64.a $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_sequential.a
>> $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_core.a -Wl,--end-group -lpthread -lguide
>> $(FFTW3_LIB)/libfftw3.a
>> Any help?
>> Thank you,
>> Regards,
>> Sandeep kumar reddy
>> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 5:36 AM, J�rg Sa�mannshausen <
>> jorg.sassm... at strath.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Dear Sandeep
>>> how does your arch file look like?
>>> Reading this:
>>> http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/cp2k/cp2k/INSTALL?view=mark...
>>> I am wondering whether you might have forgotten to swap the -D__FFTW3 with
>>> the -D__FFTACML (as you are using the ACML FFT) flag.
>>> Just a guess of course ;-)
>>> All the best
>>> J�rg
>>> On Mittwoch 06 Januar 2010 Sandeep Kumar Reddy wrote:
>>>> Hello sir,
>>>>               When i try to compile with popt, I got these error.
>>>> mkl_sequential.a
>>>> /sfs1/intel_122009/Compiler/11.1/059/mkl/lib/em64t/libmkl_core.a
>>>> -Wl,--end-group -lpthread -lguide
>>> /sfs3/home/amit/compilledpackages/CP2K/cp2k/makefiles/../lib/Linux-x86-64-intel-jnc/sopt/libcp2k_fft_lib.a(fftacml_lib.o)
>>> (.text+0xadf): In function `fftacml3d_':
>>>> : undefined reference to `zfft3dx_'
>>> /sfs3/home/amit/compilledpackages/CP2K/cp2k/makefiles/../lib/Linux-x86-64-intel-jnc/sopt/libcp2k_fft_lib.a(fftacml_lib.o)
>>> (.text+0xb47): In function `fftacml3d_':
>>>> : undefined reference to `zfft3dx_'
>>> /sfs3/home/amit/compilledpackages/CP2K/cp2k/makefiles/../lib/Linux-x86-64-intel-jnc/sopt/libcp2k_fft_lib.a(fftacml_lib.o)
>>> (.text+0xdb0): In function `fftacml1dm_':
>>>> : undefined reference to `zfft1mx_'
>>> /sfs3/home/amit/compilledpackages/CP2K/cp2k/makefiles/../lib/Linux-x86-64-intel-jnc/sopt/libcp2k_fft_lib.a(fftacml_lib.o)
>>> (.text+0xe2b): In function `fftacml1dm_':
>>>> : undefined reference to `zfft1mx_'
>>>>    I don't know what this error means. Could you help me ?
>>>>  Regards,
>>>> Sandeep kumar reddy
>>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Teodoro Laino
>>>> <teodor... at gmail.com<mailto:teodor... at gmail.com>> wrote: Hello,
>>>> If I would be you I would first try to check if a popt works! If it is
>>>> working (with same compiler/libraries setup) then I would go for trying
>>> the
>>>> psmp.
>>>> Teo
>>>> Sandeep Kumar Reddy wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>       Thank you for your quick reply. Following are the details about
>>>> compilers, arch etc.
>>>> Intel Compiler(ifort) Version : 10.1
>>>> My Arch File : "Linux-x86-64-intel.psmp"
>>>> # by default some intel compilers put temporaries on the stack
>>>> # this might lead to segmentation faults is the stack limit is set to low
>>>> # stack limits can be increased by sysadmins or e.g with ulimit -s 256000
>>>> # furthermore new ifort (10.0?) compilers support the option
>>>> # -heap-arrays 64
>>>> # add this to the compilation flags is the other options do not work
>>>> # The following settings worked for:
>>>> # - AMD64 Opteron
>>>> # - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0 (x86_64)
>>>> # - Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for Intel(R) EM64T-based applications,
>>>> Version 10.0 # - AMD acml library version 3.6.0
>>>> # - MPICH2-1.0.5p4
>>>> # - FFTW 3.1.2
>>>> #
>>>> CC       = cc
>>>> CPP      =
>>>> FC       = ifort -openmp -FR -O0
>>>> LD       = ifort -openmp -FR -O0
>>>> AR       = ar -r
>>>> CPPFLAGS = -C -traditional $(DFLAGS) -I$(INTEL_INC)
>>>> INTEL_INC= -I/sfs1/intel_012008/mkl/10.0.011/include
>>>> -I/sfs1/intel_012008/mkl/10.0.011/include/fftw INTEL_LIB=
>>>> /sfs1/intel_012008/mkl/10.0.011/lib/em64t
>>>> FCFLAGS  = $(DFLAGS) $(INTEL_INC) -heap-arrays 64
>>>> FCFLAGS2 = $(DFLAGS) $(INTEL_INC) -heap-arrays 64
>>>> LDFLAGS  = $(FCFLAGS) -i-static
>>>> MKLPATH  = /sfs1/intel_012008/mkl/10.0.011/lib/em64t/
>>>> LIBS     = -L$(MKLPATH) -lfftw3xf_intel $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_solver_lp64.a
>>>> -Wl,--start-group $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_lp64.a
>>>> $(MKLPATH)/libmkl_intel_thread.a $(M KLPATH)/libmkl_core.a
>>> -Wl,--end-group
>>>> -openmp -lpthread
>>>> # $(INTEL_LIB)/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \
>>>> #           $(INTEL_LIB)/libmkl_core.a \
>>>> #           $(INTEL_LIB)/libfftw3.a
>>>> OBJECTS_ARCHITECTURE = machine_intel.o
>>>> graphcon.o: graphcon.F
>>>>      $(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<
>>>> Linux-jnc.psmp (END)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Sandeep kumar reddy
>>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Laino Teodoro
>>>> <teodor... at gmail.com<mailto:teodor... at gmail.com>
>>>> <mailto:teodor... at gmail.com<mailto:teodor... at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>>>    Hello Sandeep,
>>>>    your executable is giving almost random numbers:
>>>>        1 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.3     1.96524988
>>>  -17.0390500821
>>>> -1.70E+01 2 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.4     1.17914993
>>>> -13.5426292836  3.50E+00 3 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.4     0.70748996
>>>>     -9.9067192962  3.64E+00 4 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.4     0.42449397
>>>>        -7.1955092465  2.71E+00 5 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.4
>>> 0.25469638
>>>>           -5.3903907002  1.81E+00
>>>>    while a correct executable should give more reasonable numbers:
>>>>        1 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.7     0.94986401
>>>  -17.0390500821
>>>> -1.70E+01 2 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.7     0.55704339
>>>> -17.1017974052 -6.27E-02 3 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.8     0.33374888
>>>>    -17.1395184934 -3.77E-02 4 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.8     0.19743634
>>>>       -17.1616212665 -2.21E-02 5 P_Mix/Diag. 0.40E+00    0.9
>>> 0.11691752
>>>>          -17.1746976329 -1.31E-02
>>>>    (Please check the 6th column)
>>>>     You need to provide your arch file, compiler, version, libraries
>>>>    and first of all look through all the past messages to see if
>>>>    somebody experienced the same problem you have (very probably you
>>>>    have a bugged compiler version or wrong libraries).
>>>>    Teo
>>>>    On 6 Jan 2010, at 07:47, Sandeep Kumar Reddy wrote:
>>>>        Hello,
>>>>                 Please help a new user of CP2K.  I am trying to learn
>>>>        CP2K. When i try to execute H2O.inp  given in tests directory
>>>>        of cp2k, the output file terminated after reading the contents
>>>>        of the input file. I am using a serial executable. Following
>>>>        is the input file.
>>>>        &FORCE_EVAL
>>>>         METHOD Quickstep
>>>>         &DFT
>>>>           &MGRID
>>>>             CUTOFF 280
>>>>           &END MGRID
>>>>           &QS
>>>>             EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-12
>>>>           &END QS
>>>>           &SCF
>>>>             SCF_GUESS ATOMIC
>>>>             EPS_SCF 3.0E-7
>>>>             MAX_SCF 50
>>>>             &DIAGONALIZATION
>>>>                ALGORITHM STANDARD
>>>>             &END DIAGONALIZATION
>>>>           &END SCF
>>>>           &XC
>>>>             &XC_FUNCTIONAL BLYP
>>>>             &END XC_FUNCTIONAL
>>>>           &END XC
>>>>         &END DFT
>>>>         &SUBSYS
>>>>           &CELL
>>>>             ABC 5.0 5.0 5.0
>>>>           &END CELL
>>>>           &COORD
>>>>           O   0.000000    0.000000   -0.065587
>>>>           H   0.000000   -0.757136    0.520545
>>>>           H   0.000000    0.757136    0.520545
>>>>           &END COORD
>>>>           &KIND H
>>>>             BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH-BLYP
>>>>             POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q1
>>>>           &END KIND
>>>>           &KIND O
>>>>             BASIS_SET DZVP-GTH-BLYP
>>>>             POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q6
>>>>           &END KIND
>>>>         &END SUBSYS
>>>>        &END FORCE_EVAL
>>>>        &GLOBAL
>>>>         PROJECT H2O
>>>>        &END GLOBAL
>>>>        The  output file is
>>>>        ----------------------------
>>>>         SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:
>>>>             ATOMIC
>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> max_scf:                                                     50
>>>> max_scf_history:                                              0 max_diis:
>>>>                                                   4
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------- eps_scf:
>>>>                                     3.00E-07 eps_scf_history:
>>>>                         0.00E+00 eps_diis:
>>>>             1.00E-01 eps_eigval:
>>>> 1.00E-05 --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> level_shift [a.u.]:                                        0.00
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------- Mixing method:
>>>>                              DIRECT_P_MIXING
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------- No outer SCF
>>>>         PW_GRID: Information for grid number
>>>>                  1 PW_GRID: Cutoff [a.u.]
>>>>                         140.0 PW_GRID: spherical cutoff:
>>>>                                       NO PW_GRID:   Bounds   1
>>>> -27      26                       Points:          54 PW_GRID:   Bounds
>>> 2
>>>>            -27      26                       Points:          54 PW_GRID:
>>>> Bounds   3          
>> ...
>> read more �

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