DBCSR error

Ondrej Marsalek ondrej.... at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 16:15:03 UTC 2010

Dear all,

with today's CP2K I get the the below shown error. This is on 32
cores, compiled with gfortran and MKL 11.1, with an input file that
certainly does run with previous version. The input is not a small
system, so I am not posting it here. I will try to get more
information later, but as it looks like a parallelization-dependent
thing, I will appreciate any hints on how to best isolate this. It
happens right after the SCF header is printed, before any actual
iteration information.


 ASSERTION FAILED:         9.EQ.        8
 error%msg=source/new bin array sizes not equal
 error%etype=          -1
 error%level=           1
 error%line=        6726

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