[CP2K:2681] PhD position Theoretical Physical Chemistry, Paris

Guillaume Ferlat gfe... at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 16:21:32 UTC 2010

A PhD position is opened at the Université P. & M. Curie (UPMC, Paris
VI) for modelling the solvation of ions in supercritical H2O-CO2
using first-principles molecular dynamics simulations.

We are seeking for a solid-state physicist or a theoretical/
computational chemist.
Knowledge of modelling simulations and/or programming skills will be

The grant is for three years and is to be filled before december 2010.
The student will be hosted at Institut de Mineralogie et Physique des
Milieux Condenses (IMPMC) and supervised by G. Ferlat (IMPMC), R.
Vuilleumier (Ecole Normale Superieure) and A. M. Saitta (IMPMC).

The net salary is approximatively 1400 euros (+ approx. 200 euros if
teaching) and covers health and social insurance. There is no need to
speak French, the candidate can decide to teach or not.
A more detailed description of the project is available upon request.

Interested candidates should send a CV (including two references) to:

Guillaume Ferlat: guillaum... at impmc.upmc.fr

Rodolphe Vuilleumier : rodolphe.v... at ens.fr

A. Marco Saitta: sai... at impmc.upmc.fr

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