[CP2K:2062] BerliOS bug tracker

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Thu May 7 08:44:14 UTC 2009


BerliOS is not reliable (weird behavior and form time to time the 
network collapses).
Last year we had an off time of almost 1 week!

If you want to bug report something, create an archive with the input 
file + all necessary things,
and post it here on the google mailing list + send a message explaining 
things which are wrong..
Keep in mind that bug reports must run extremely quick, for many reasons:
1) our time is limited
2) easy things are easier to be debugged
3) when creating easy  input files, in 50% of the times, people find 
themselves the error they were doing..

If the input files reflects the above points BE SURE that your request 
will be listened.

A very good way to be ignored is just archive an input file that is kind 
of production (high cutoff.. hundreads of atoms..
large basis set..).. These are general rules, again, that people should 
always keep in mind when asking for help.

Just one example: let's say that you have a problem with REFTRAJ + CUBE 
FILES. well.. you can build a very simple
bug report test suite using 1 water molecule + low cutoff + small basis 
+ ... that can run in few seconds..

Or: if you have a problem with the integrator you can just post a test 
suite using classical forcefield. This makes things 3 orders of 
magnitudes faster.


Ondrej Marsalek wrote:
> Dear CP2K developers,
> I would like to ask if there is any point in using the bug tracker at
> BerliOS [1] that is linked to from the CP2K homepage. I would be more
> than happy to use it and create proper bug reports, but both of the
> reports currently present in the tracker are somewhat discouraging.
> Best regards,
> Ondrej
> [1] http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=129
> >   

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