[CP2K:1483] Re: Defect distribution

Younsuk Yun youn... at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 13:15:59 UTC 2008

It's the first time to do MD calculations, so it is not quite clear
for me to start to model the simulation box and how to start the
incident of particle.
So, I want to start from a rather simple example.

Thank you very much for your advice.

2008/10/23 Laino Teodoro <teodor... at gmail.com>:
> there's none of that specific kind of example.
> why don't you try to put it up yourself?
> On 23 Oct 2008, at 15:09, Si-jung wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I've installed cp2k on Linux cluster and now trying to do some test
>> calculations using MD method.
>> In 'Fist' directory, I found there are many example input files.
>> However, I'd like to know a example to calculate defect distribution
>> after incident of a particle, something like radiation effect.
>> Would you let me know where I can find one of those examples?
>> Many thanks,
>> Younsuk Yun
>> >
> >

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