[CP2K:862] Re: g95 errors

Fawzi Mohamed fa... at gmx.ch
Sat Mar 22 01:22:32 UTC 2008

come on, no need to flog anybody/anything....

radsci2008 has shown a real issue, if a compiler uses 64-bit default  
integer, cp2k does not compile.

a compiler can use 64-bit default integers and be standard compliant  
(even if g95 isn't)

64-bit default integers have applications (gotoBlas for example can  
have 64 bit interfaces so that single vectors,... can be larger than  
8-16 GB)

from what g95 site says one might think that 64-Bit default integer  
is newer, and thus better (even if in most cases it is not true).

So our answer for the moment is:

thanks for the head up radsci2008

use 64 bit compiler with 32 bit default integer. For the g95 this is  
actually the standard compliant version, and is also faster.

We might fix the issue, but at the moment it isn't really a priority,  
as there is no standard compliant compiler that has it, 32 bit  
integers are faster, and even with large systems we integer overflow  
should not be an issue (pointers *are* 64-bits).

ciao Fawzi

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