[CP2K:751] Re: using empirical VDW correction with CP2K

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 06:27:54 UTC 2008

Dear Limin,

Please read carefully the error/warning  messages:

On 10 Mar 2008, at 01:36, lmliu wrote:

> *** 01:34:59 WARNING in force_env_methods:mixed_energy_forces  
> err=-300   ***
>  *** ASSERTION (cond) failed at line   1151 Error (0.129985E-11)  
> in       ***
>  *** computing numerical derivatives larger then 
> (0.100000E-11) .          ***

First: this is not an error message but it is a warning (WARNING in  
Second: It clearly says that: Error (0.129985E-11) in computing  
numerical derivatives larger then(0.100000E-11) .

I guess you can cope with this error on the evaluation of the MIXED  
forces.. don't you (look at the magnitude of the numbers)?
If you are annoyed from seeing this warning message you can tune the  
precision of the evaluation of the numerical derivative
with the keyword:


10^-12 is an extremely safe parameter. I guess 10^-7 will do your  
work in a very good way as well (please compare these numbers
with the precision achieved in computing the DFT forces).

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