[CP2K:1194] Re: Is there any error in the default arch file Linux-x86-64-g95.sopt?

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 19:52:09 UTC 2008

Hey Axel,

On 16 Jul 2008, at 21:38, Axel wrote:

> my guess is that it is pointing to a (g95 compiled)
> fftw3 fortran interface module (same as $(G95_LIB)
> would point to corresponding libraries).

as usual you are RIGHT! ;-)... anyway.. should not be so difficult to  
that G95_INC can be safely removed.. no?

and if one wants to use fftw3.. well.. I think he should know how to  
do it (if he really wants it!).

Or alternatively your suggestion is the good one: try the pre-built  
executable that you
made available on the google group.

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