[CP2K:629] Re: Warning in QMMM

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 18:01:48 UTC 2008

On 23 Jan 2008, at 18:48, Fawzi Mohamed wrote:

>>  *** 16:10:59 WARNING in pw_spline_utils:pw_prolongate_s3 err=-300
>> ***
>>  *** condition FAILED at line 4019
>> ***
>> I'm not sure what this means - can I safely ignore it?
> it means that it wasn't able to converge the spline interpolation to
> the requested accuracy, depending on how high it is an how many
> iteration you asked it might be bad.
> keywords:
> max_iter
> eps_r (residual error)
> eps_x (argument error)

Just a remark. You can control the above keywords in the following  



> ciao
> Fawzi
> >

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