[CP2K:709] Re: Intel mpif90 compilation error in topology_psf

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 19:31:45 UTC 2008

My experience is that the version number is strictly connected with  
the architecture that you are using..
hope this helps!


On 29 Feb 2008, at 20:11, thekbuzz wrote:

> Thanks... may be I need 10.0.025.
> However on searching it seems to be that people have succeeded with
> 9.1
> Thanks much!
> On Feb 29, 10:57 am, Teodoro Laino <teodor... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> to me looks like it's a 9.1 problem. Please check previous posts on
>> the intel compiler to find out a reasonable
>> version that is bug-free enough to be able to compile cp2k. (10.0.025
>> at least.. possibly other versions?).
>> teo
>> On 29 Feb 2008, at 19:34, thekbuzz wrote:
>>> I am trying to compile the latest CVS in Linux-ia64-intel
>>> architecture.
>>> It was going alright before it started handling topology reading
>>> routines. Is this an ifort 9.1 problem or I am missing something  
>>> in my
>>> path?
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks much in advance.
>>> mpif90 -FR -c -O2 -Vaxlib -tpp2 cp_ddapc_types.f90
>>> mpif90 -FR -c -O2 -Vaxlib -tpp2 topology_psf.f90
>>> mpif90 -FR -c -O2 -Vaxlib -tpp2 xc_xwpbe.f90
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 976: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(2('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 977: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%bond_a(i+j),conn_info%bond_b(i+j)
>>> -----------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 977: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%bond_a(i+j),conn_info%bond_b(i+j)
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 976: Syntax error, found '''
>>> when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
>>> <CHAR_NA                        M_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT>
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(2('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 988: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(3('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 989: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%theta_a(i+j),conn_info%theta_b(i+j),&
>>> ------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 989: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%theta_a(i+j),conn_info%theta_b(i+j),&
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 990: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%theta_c(i+j)
>>> ------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 988: Syntax error, found '''
>>> when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
>>> <CHAR_NA                        M_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT>
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(3('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1001: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1002: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%phi_a(i+j),conn_info%phi_b(i+j),&
>>> ----------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1002: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%phi_a(i+j),conn_info%phi_b(i+j),&
>>> -------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1003: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%phi_c(i+j),conn_info%phi_d(i+j)
>>> ----------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1003: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%phi_c(i+j),conn_info%phi_d(i+j)
>>> -------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1001: Syntax error, found '''
>>> when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
>>> <CHAR_N                        AM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT>
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1014: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1015: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%impr_a(i+j),conn_info%impr_b(i+j),&
>>> -----------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1015: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%impr_a(i+j),conn_info%impr_b(i+j),&
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1016: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%impr_c(i+j),conn_info%impr_d(i+j)
>>> -----------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1016: Unbalanced parentheses
>>>                conn_info%impr_c(i+j),conn_info%impr_d(i+j)
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------^
>>> fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1014: Syntax error, found '''
>>> when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
>>> <CHAR_N                        AM_KIND_PARAM> <CHARACTER_CONSTANT>
>>>           WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM 
>>> (c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
>>> --------------------------------------------------^
>>> compilation aborted for topology_psf.f90 (code 1)
>>> make[2]: *** [topology_psf.o] Error 1- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> >

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