[CP2K:1660] Re: Compilation error on CRAY-XT3

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 12:17:33 UTC 2008

Okay.. that may have been a kind of real bug..
It has been fixed... can you try now?

carlo antonio pignedoli wrote:
> Dear Teo,
> sorry for being so late..
> your patch solved the "gamma" problem however now I get:
> PGF90-S-0188-Argument number 2 to check_subsys_element: type mismatch
> (cp_subsys_methods.f90: 235)
> should I really "Boycott PGI" ?
> Ciao
> Carlo
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Teodoro Laino <teodor... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a suggestion!!!
>> Boycott PGI (using PATHSCALE or whatever other compiler your CRAY is
>> supporting) and don't forget to:
>> 1) Complain with CRAY..
>> 2) specifically with your sysadmins..
>> it should be enough changing the name of that variable to have it
>> compiled.. I just provided a patch in the CVS.
>> Can you please check if it works? ( I can't check .. I don't have a
>> CRAY!!! :-) )
>> Teo
>> carlo antonio pignedoli wrote:
>>> Dear all I'm trying to recompile cp2k on CRAY-XT3
>>> and I get the following error:
>>> PGF90-S-0084-Illegal use of symbol gamma  (particle_types.f90: 617)
>>> PGF90-S-0084-Illegal use of symbol gamma  (particle_types.f90: 618)
>>> Do you have any suggestion?
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Carlo
>>> CALL get_cell(cell, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, abc=abc)
> >

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