[CP2K:1308] gmx2gromos

Laino Teodoro teodor... at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 15:47:49 UTC 2008

Ciao Ewald,

gmx2gromos is not part of the cp2k distribution. Have no idea how those
files where created (maybe one of the guy that did it will reply here  
more informations). Anyway since you want to use GROMOS FF calculations
if you already have them you should not need any additional file or  
If you don't have them please refer to the GROMOS website..
or to the GROMACS website (maybe there you will find also information  
to convert the two formats one in the other).


On 27 Aug 2008, at 17:36, Ewald Pauwels wrote:

> I get the feeling that these files were somehow converted from gromacs
> format. Is this program (or another conversion utility) available
> somewhere? Or, alternatively, is it described how the G96 topology and
> connectivity should be structured?

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