Compilation error - fortcom unbalanced parentheses

Eric Shamay eric.... at
Sat Jun 23 20:53:04 UTC 2007

Hello everyone,

I've managed to successfully compile cp2k on a cluster, and now I'm
looking to install it on a second cluster with all the same setup
except with xeon cpus instead of the itanium (ia64).

I ran into an error regarding the FCFLAGS -tpp2, and changed that to -
ttp7 to target xeon cpus specifically and it worked out.

The problem now is that I receive errors regarding 'unbalanced
parentheses' from fortcom in the file topology_psf.f90. I've attached
the error output to the end of the message. Should I be using an older
ifort (i.e. 8.1) for ia32-type systems?

The output of my mpif90 -V is as follows:

13:46:48  eshamay at neuronic (~) mpif90 -V
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 9.1
Build 20060323Z Package ID: l_fc_p_9.1.032
Copyright (C) 1985-2006 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Anyone have any idea why the sudden syntax error in that file? I've
read that line length may be an issue, but why now and not before when
I was compiling successfully on another cluster?

~Eric Shamay

fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1056: Unbalanced parentheses
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(2('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1057: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1057: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1056: Syntax error, found '''
when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(2('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1068: Unbalanced parentheses
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(3('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1069: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1069: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1070: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1068: Syntax error, found '''
when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(3('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1081: Unbalanced parentheses
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1082: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1082: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1083: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1083: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1081: Syntax error, found '''
when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1094: Unbalanced parentheses
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1095: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1095: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1096: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1096: Unbalanced parentheses
fortcom: Error: topology_psf.f90, line 1094: Syntax error, found '''
when expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
          WRITE(file_unit,FMT='(4('//TRIM(c_int)//'))',ADVANCE="NO") &
compilation aborted for topology_psf.f90 (code 1)
make[2]: *** [topology_psf.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
make: *** [popt] Error 2

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